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The cli tool that allows you handle WebP Images more easily.


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"@nonsugarless/webp-converter" is the wrapper of webp-converter that allows you convert and delete WebP Images more easily.


You can convert images to WebP Images and delete unnecessary WebP Images automatically.


yarn add -D @nonsugarless/webp-converter


npm install --save-dev @nonsugarless/webp-converter


Convert all images

$ webp-cli convert

Start to watch images directory

$ webp-cli watch

WebP Images will be converted automatically when images are added, changed and deleted.

Delete converted WebP Images

$ webp-cli clean

Delete converted WebP Images whose original one no longer exists in originalDir

$ webp-cli clean --all

Delete all WebP Images from destDir

Default configuration

Prop Default Description
destDir "./htdocs/img/" Path to output images directory from project root
originalDir "./htdocs/img/" Path to input images directory from project root
targetExt ".+(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)" Extension of convert files
excludeFileNames ["apple-touch-icon.png"] Array of filenames that you don't want to convert
excludeDirNames [] Array of relative path from originalDir that you don't want to convert
webpConverterOption "-q 85" WebP convert options
webpConverterGifOption "-q 85" Gif WebP convert options

Optional configuration

You can use an optional configuration .webpconverterrc file in JSON or YAML format or webpconverter.config.js file exporting a JS object by setting it project root directory. See cosmiconfig docs for more details.

	"destDir": "./dest/img/",
	"originalDir": "./src/img/",
	"targetExt": ".+(jpg|png|gif)",
	"excludeFileNames": ["apple-touch-icon.png", "og-image.png"],
	"excludeDirNames": ["foo/bar"], // ignore all files below ./dest/img/foo/bar/
	"webpConverterOption": "-q 75 -sharp_yuv -m 5 -mt",
	"webpConverterGifOption": "-q 90 -m 5 -mt"


Also you can use this as Node.js functions.

import { convertAll, watch, clean, cleanAll } from '@nonsugarless/webp-converter';


It will be applied your configuration.
