Redux middleware for reporting actions to third party APIs. This package is extremely useful for analytics and error handling. Can be used with various APIs such as New Relic, Sentry, Adobe DTM, Keen
npm install --save redux-reporter
Create your reporting middleware
// /middleware/myReporter.js
import reporter from 'redux-reporter';
export default reporter(({ type, payload }, getState) => {
try {
// report to external API
} catch (err) {}
Attach meta data to your actions
// /actions/MyActions.js
export function myAction() {
let type = 'MY_ACTION';
return {
meta: {
report: { // default attribute that is selected by redux-reporter
payload: 'example payload'
Configure store with your middleware
// /store/configureStore.js
import { compose, createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import rootReducer from './reducers/rootReducer';
import myReporter from './middleware/myReporter'; // import your reporter
const isBrowser = (typeof window !== 'undefined');
const enhancer = compose(
applyMiddleware(...[thunk, myReporter]),
isBrowser && window.devToolsExtension) ? window.devToolsExtension() : (f) => f
export default (initialState = {}) => {
return createStore(rootReducer, initialState, enhancer);
Reporting to Multiple APIs: You can report to multiple APIs by configuring multiple middlewares and attaching additional attributes to your actions
// /actions/MyActions.js
export function myAction() {
let type = 'MY_ACTION';
return {
meta: {
analytics: {
payload: 'example payload'
experiments: {
payload: 'example payload'
// /middleware/newrelic.js
import { errorReporter as newrelicErrorReporter, crashReporter as newrelicCrashReporter } from 'redux-reporter';
const report = (error) => {
try {
} catch (err) {}
export const crashReporter = newrelicCrashReporter(report);
export const errorReporter = newrelicErrorReporter(report);
// /actions/MyActions.js
export function myAction() {
let type = 'MY_ERROR_ACTION';
return {
error: true
payload: new Error('My Handled Error')
// /middleware/newrelic.js
import reporter from 'redux-reporter';
export const analyticsReporter = reporter(({ type, payload }) => {
try {
window.newrelic.addPageAction(type, payload);
} catch (err) {}
}, ({ meta = {} }) =>;
// /actions/MyActions.js
export function myAction() {
let type = 'MY_ACTION';
return {
meta: {
analytics: {
payload: 'example payload'
redux-reporter can be used for goal tracking with optimizely
// /middleware/optimizely.js
import reporter from 'redux-reporter';
export default reporter(({ type, payload }) => {
window.optimizely = window.optimizely || [];
window.optimizely.push(['trackEvent', type, payload]);
}, ({ meta = {} }) => meta.experiments);
// /actions/MyActions.js
export function myAction() {
let type = 'MY_ACTION';
return {
meta: {
experiments: {
payload: 'example payload'
You can also report to an Analytics provider. This example uses Adobe DTM, but this pattern will work for other APIs (keen, segment, etc.)
// /actions/MyActions.js
export function myAction() {
let type = 'MY_ACTION';
return {
meta: {
analytics: {
payload: {
userType: 'example',
someOtherData: '1234'
// /middleware/adobedtm.js
import reporter from 'redux-reporter';
// create custom select function to select desired slice of your action
const select = ({ meta = {} }) =>;
export default reporter(({ type, payload }) => {
try {
window._satellite.setVar('payload', payload);
} catch (err) {}
}, select);
// inside Adobe DTM we create a direct call rule with the same name/condition as our action type