Web Technologies BSUIR(Веб-технологии БГУИР 5 сем)
It's my vision in some task.
What I've done?❓
First lab This is my solutions of 15 tasks.
Second lab I create a single threaded console application!:cherry_blossom:
Third lab I create a client-server application "Archive":innocent:
Fourth lab I create a web application (using Servlet technology:bowtie:) allowing user to book hotel rooms. Also i define the user and administrator roles for the application.:tada:
I just relax and gained experience here. Technical task u can find in folder with solutions for every lab in pdf format:wave:
Still in progress? Convert to draft!:wink:
I won’t abuse the pain. My hearts intoxicated. My mind’s frustrated. A storm like a hurricane. All we do is go. Up going up go down.Go around this is us The Usual.Wanderlust running blind. Time is never on our side The Usual.:microphone:The Usual - Shannon Jae Prior