A headless Minecraft bot built with 3arthqu4ke/HeadlessMc and cabaletta/baritone.
Tools required for execution and development are managed with Devbox.
Execute devbox run bot
to start the bot.
Execute devbox run server
to start a local test server.
Execute devbox run monitoring
to start some monitoring stuff.
Visit Grafana at and check the dashboard.
The bots behavior is represented as behavior tree.
(Assorted Ideas)
- test disconnect/kick
- expiring flags
- global cooldowns
- inventory utils
- port old player utils
- more block groups
- baritone settings
- permission groups (admin commands)
- player standing (friend/foe) system
- config file
- http api for remote control
- webhook logs
- Tree walking
- Composite nodes
- Decorator nodes
- Port old behavior
- WebUI
- tree viewer
- tree editor
- tree manager
- Prometheus exporter
- module system for non-tick based reactive logic
- AutoArmor
- AutoTotem
- Autoeat
- BaritoneSettings
- Blink
- ChatCommands
- ChatSpam
- CrystalAura
- DataExport
- DisconnectDetector
- InventoryCleanup
- Jesus
- KillAura
- Noslow
- Respawn
- Safewalk
- Step
- StuckDetector
- Velocity
- Visualrange (say hi to players)
- command system
- clear (clear area)
- take (go to player, pick up dropped items and check containers in range)
- guard (patrol and kill mobs around anchor position)
- chatlog (upload latest chatlog as paste)
- nbt (dump current inventory nbt data as paste)
- names (get old names of player)
- search (get infos from ddg/google/etc.)
- yt (search videos)