Welcome to the Energy Trading MVP repository. This project facilitates peer-to-peer energy trading through a secure platform built on the Bitcoin SV (BSV) blockchain, enabling users to seamlessly buy and sell energy units.
The Energy Trading MVP aims to enhance transparency and efficiency in energy transactions. Utilizing the BSV blockchain, the platform ensures secure and verifiable trades, creating a streamlined and reliable energy marketplace.
- User-Friendly Registration: Easy onboarding for energy sellers and buyers.
- Dynamic Listings: Create, manage, and browse energy listings.
- Secure Transactions: Blockchain-backed processes on the BSV chain.
- Comprehensive History: Detailed records of transactions and energy consumption.
To get started with Enery Trading, follow these steps:
Clone the Repository: Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/notlelouch/Energy-Trading-MVP.git cd Energy-Trading-MVP
Navigate to Desired Module: Depending on the service you want to explore, navigate to one of the subdirectories (e.g., Starloom-frontend, Starloom-deploy-service, etc.).
Install Dependencies:
npm install
Setup Postgres Database
Run the Application:
npm run dev
- User Management: Registration and login.
- Energy Listings: Create and view listings.
- Purchases: Facilitate and record purchases.
- Transactions: Monitor and track transaction history.
Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements, new features, or bug fixes, please open an issue or submit a pull request.