Welcome to raylib 9 years gamejam template!
This template provides a base structure to start developing a small raylib game in plain C for the raylib 9 years gamejam, considering the requested restrictions:
- Game must be 256x256 pixels screen size
- Game must be compiled for web
NOTE: Several GitHub Actions workflows have been preconfigured to automatically build your game for Windows, Linux and WebAssembly on each commit. Those workflows automatically sync with latest version of raylib available to build.
The repo is also pre-configured with a default LICENSE
(zlib/libpng) and a README.md
(this one) to be properly filled by users. Feel free to change the LICENSE as required.
All the sections defined by $(Data to Fill)
are expected to be edited and filled properly. It's recommended to delete this disclaimer message after editing this README.md
This template has been created to be used with raylib (www.raylib.com) and it's licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license.
I am not sure this template actually works.
Copyright (c) 2022 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
$(Your Game Description)
- $(Game Feature 01)
- $(Game Feature 02)
- $(Game Feature 03)
- $(Game Control 01)
- $(Game Control 02)
- $(Game Control 03)
TODO: Show your game to the world, animated GIFs recommended!.
$(Developer 01) - $ (Role/Tasks Developed) -
$(Developer 02) - $ (Role/Tasks Developed) -
$(Developer 03) - $ (Role/Tasks Developed)
- YouTube Gameplay: $(YouTube Link)
- itch.io Release: $(itch.io Game Page)
- Steam Release: $(Steam Game Page)
This game sources are licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified, BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software. Check LICENSE for further details.
$(Additional Licenses)
Copyright (c) $(Year) $(User Name) ($(User Twitter/GitHub Name))