Role For create users on Linux Server, this role is only use for formation pupose, do not use it in production environnement
- Ansible user module
Add a users variable containing the list of users to add. A good place to put
this is in group_vars/all
or group_vars/groupname
if you only want the
users to be on certain machines.
The following attributes are required for each user:
- username - The user's username.
- name - The full name of the user (gecos field).
- home - The home directory of the user to create (optional, defaults to /home/username).
- uid - The numeric user id for the user (optional). This is required for uid consistency across systems.
- gid - The numeric group id for the group (optional). Otherwise, the uid will be used.
- password - If a hash is provided then that will be used, but otherwise the account will be locked.
- update_password - This can be either 'always' or 'on_create'
- 'always' will update passwords if they differ. (default)
- 'on_create' will only set the password for newly created users.
- group - Optional primary group override.
- groups - A list of supplementary groups for the user.
- append - If yes, will only add groups, not set them to just the list in groups (optional).
- profile - A string block for setting custom shell profiles.
- ssh_key - This should be a list of SSH keys for the user (optional). Each SSH key should be included directly and should have no newlines.
- generate_ssh_key - Whether to generate a SSH key for the user (optional, defaults to no).
In addition, the following items are optional for each user:
- shell - The user's shell. This defaults to /bin/bash. The default is configurable using the users_default_shell variable if you want to give all users the same shell, but it is different than /bin/bash.
- username: foo
name: Foo Barrington
groups: ['wheel','systemd-journal']
uid: 1001
home: /local/home/foo
profile: |
alias ll='ls -lah'
- "ssh-rsa AAAAA.... foo@machine"
- "ssh-rsa AAAAB.... foo2@machine"
- name: developers
gid: 10000
- username: bar
name: Bar User
uid: 1002
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: username.rolename, x: 42 }