A router module to use in modapp based web applications
Include the module in your main.js
import Router from 'modapp-router/Router';
Then add it to your modules.
modules.router = Router;
.then(result => {
console.info("[Main] Loaded modules: ", result);
Load the router in your module constructor
this.app.require([ 'router' ], this._init.bind(this));
And register a new route to the module when initializing
id: routeId,
name: l10n.t('module.example', `Example`),
parentId: null,
order: 20,
setState: this._setState, // method to set values passed from parseUrl
component: new ExampleComponent(this.app, this.module), // component to load
getUrl: (params) => { // method that builds the URL from parameters
parseUrl: (data) => { // method that parses the parameters from the URL
return {};