Movie Verse is an innovative Android app that enriches your movie-watching experience by providing a comprehensive database of movie references sourced from TheMovieDB. Built with Jetpack Compose.
- Authentication: Connect with your TheMovieDB account.
- Explore Movies: Find thousands of films from various genres and countries easily through search and by popularity.
- Favorite, Watchlist and Rated: You can save movies to Favorites, Watchlist and rate them!
- Kotlin - Language
- Jetpack Compose - UI Toolkit
- Dagger Hilt - Dependency Injection
- Retrofit - Network
- OkHttp - HTTP client
- Room Database - Local Database
Multi-Module Architecture
Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)
git clone
cd movie-verse
Here's a complete guide to getting your api key: TMDB - Get Started
Put your Authorization Token into like this
AUTHORIZATION = "your_authorization_token"