This repository was created based on the results of homework during the basic data science class at Rakamin Academy. The Rakamin Academy bootcamp focuses on providing basic training in using SQL and programming with Python. SQL homework was done using the open-source RDBMS PostgreSQL application, and Python programming was done using Google Collab and Jupyter Notebook.
The bootcamp was conducted for 16 weeks. In the first week, the introduction to data science was explained, followed by SQL in the second and third weeks. Then, the basics of Python programming were discussed, starting from Introduction, Data Processing with Pandas, Python Programming, Statistics, and Data Visualization. The Python material was explained for 5 weeks until the eighth week. At the end, a final project was carried out to analyze a dataset that would be worked on for 5 weeks, and the results were represented as a requirement for graduation.
In carrying out the final project, we were required to independently conduct exploratory data analysis (EDA) to answer business questions and perform machine learning modeling as a solution to address those problems. The dataset used during the bootcamp was taken from Kaggle.