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Niklas Paulsson edited this page Sep 1, 2017 · 4 revisions

Usage refactor

Items in parenthesis will not be implemented with first release.

Underscore sub-commands to add/remove/update is used to define relationships between other config entities and should be aliased so they can be used either way, add host_hostgroup and hostgroup_host performs the same task, but with the arguments in flipped order, as in the example below, all commands should do the same task, and you can user whatever feels naturally for you.

op5util add host_hostgroup webservers
op5util add hostgroup_host webservers
op5util update host -g webservers
op5util update hostgruop -m webservers

Syntax diagram

                                                                          +---   -i/--ipaddr A -------+
                                                                          +---    --icon I -----------+
                                                                          +--- * -g/--hostgroup G ----+
                                                                          +--- * -c/--contactgroup C -+
                                                                          +---   -a/--alias A---------+
              +-- update --+    +---  -n/--no-commit ---+                 ↓                           ↑
op5util -+----+-- add -----+----+-----------------------+---+--- host ----+---------------------------+--- hostn_ame
         |    +-- remove --+                                |
         |                                                  +--- hostgroup --- hostgroup_name
         |                                                  |
         |                                                  +--- hostgroup_host -- hostgroup_name -- host_name
         |                                                  |
         |                                                  +--- (contactgroup)
         |                                                  +--- (contactgroup_member)
         |                                                  +--- (contactgroup_host)
         |                                                  +--- (checkcommand)
         |                                                  +--- (service)
         +--- list  -------+----------------------------+---+--- hosts
         |                 +---  -l/--long/--details ---+   +--- host_services
         |                                                  +--- hostgroups
         |                                                  +--- hostgroup_members --------------- hostgroup_name
         |                                                  +--- hostgroup_servicechecks---------- hostgroup_name
         |                                                  +--- contactgroups
         |                                                  +--- contactgroup_hosts - *  -h H----- contactgroup_name
         |                                                  +--- ...
         +--- show/info ---+----------------------------+---+--- host ----------- host_name
         |                 +---  -l/--long/--details ---+   +--- hostgroup ------ hostgroup_name
         |                                                  +--- (commmands) ---- command_name
         |                                                  +--- host_service --- TBD
         |                                                  +--- TBD
         +----- commit ------------ config/<empty>
         +--- schedule ---+------ checks ----------------------- host
         |                |
         |                |               +- -w/--wait N  ---+
         |                |               +- -c/--comment C -+
         |                |               +- -t/--time T ----+
         |                |               ↓                  ↑
         |                +-- downtime ---+------------------+-- host
         +----- status ---+----------------------------+---+--- all/<empty>
         |                +---  -l/--long/--details ---+   +--- hostname
         +---- acknowledge -------- hostname
         +---- (perfdata) --------- TBD
         +---- autocomplete ---+--- bash/<empty>
         |                     +--- zsh
         |                     +--- tcsh
         +--- help ------------+--- usage/<empty>
                               +--- command
                               +--- authentication

Any word that's appear together with may be omitted in the command and that action will be performed as the default.

Global options.

-n --no-commit
-f --output-format <json|text|(csv)|(pdf)|(png)> , default = text
-m --monitor
-p --password
-u --username
-v --verbose

The --no-commit flag and the possibility to choose output format are the new global options.

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