To set up and run a Unity Catalog project using Docker, follow this walkthrough:
Run the following command to clone the Unity Catalog repository:
git clone
Navigate to the cloned repository and create a Dockerfile named unitycatalog.dockerfile
with the following content:
# Use Ubuntu as base image
FROM ubuntu:20.04
# Set working directory in container
# Install OpenJDK 17, curl, and other necessary tools
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y openjdk-17-jdk curl gnupg
# Install sbt
RUN echo "deb all main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list && \
curl -sL "" | apt-key add && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y sbt
# Copy necessary files
COPY . /app
# Build project
RUN sbt package
# Make sure scripts are executable
RUN chmod +x /app/bin/start-uc-server /app/bin/uc
# Add /app/bin to PATH
ENV PATH="/app/bin:${PATH}"
# Expose port app runs on
# Run Unity Catalog server
CMD ["/bin/bash", "/app/bin/start-uc-server"]
# Use Ubuntu as base image
FROM ubuntu:20.04
# Set working directory in container
# Install OpenJDK 17, curl, and other necessary tools
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y openjdk-17-jdk curl gnupg dos2unix
# Install sbt
RUN echo "deb all main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list && \
curl -sL "" | apt-key add && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y sbt
# Copy necessary files
COPY . /app
# Ensure scripts have LF line endings
RUN dos2unix /app/bin/start-uc-server && \
dos2unix /app/bin/uc
# Build project
RUN sbt package
# Make sure scripts are executable
RUN chmod +x /app/bin/start-uc-server /app/bin/uc
# Add /app/bin to PATH
ENV PATH="/app/bin:${PATH}"
# Expose port app runs on
# Run Unity Catalog server
CMD ["/bin/bash", "/app/bin/start-uc-server"]
Run the following command to build the Docker image:
docker build -t unitycatalog -f unitycatalog.dockerfile .
Run the following command to start a new container:
docker run -d --name unitycatalog -p 8080:8080 unitycatalog
Check the logs to verify the container is running:
docker logs unitycatalog
You should see the Unity Catalog logo and other startup messages.
# _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ #
# | | | | (_) | / ____| | | | | #
# | | | |_ __ _| |_ _ _ | | __ _| |_ __ _| | ___ __ _ #
# | | | | '_ \| | __| | | | | | / _` | __/ _` | |/ _ \ / _` | #
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# __/ | __/ | #
# |___/ v0.1.0-SNAPSHOT |___/ #
Create a new catalog and list all catalogs:
docker exec -it unitycatalog uc catalog create --name my_local_catalog
docker exec -it unitycatalog uc catalog list
Create a new schema within the catalog and list all schemas:
docker exec -it unitycatalog uc schema create --catalog my_local_catalog --name my_schema
docker exec -it unitycatalog uc schema list --catalog my_local_catalog
Ensure you have the following Python packages installed:
import duckdb
from deltalake import write_deltalake, DeltaTable
import os
from mimesis import Person
from mimesis.locales import Locale
# Generate 1000 records
person = Person(Locale.EN)
records = []
for index in range(1, 1001):
record = {
"Index": index,
"User_Id": person.identifier(),
"First_Name": person.first_name(),
"Last_Name": person.last_name(),
"Sex": person.gender(),
"Phone": person.telephone(),
"Date_of_birth": person.birthdate().isoformat(),
"Job_Title": person.occupation()
# Create DuckDB table and insert records
con = duckdb.connect()
"Index" INTEGER,
"User_Id" VARCHAR,
"First_Name" VARCHAR,
"Last_Name" VARCHAR,
"Email" VARCHAR,
"Phone" VARCHAR,
"Date_of_birth" DATE,
"Job_Title" VARCHAR
insert_query = "INSERT INTO users VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
con.executemany(insert_query, [(record["Index"], record["User_Id"], record["First_Name"], record["Last_Name"], record["Sex"], record["Email"], record["Phone"], record["Date_of_birth"], record["Job_Title"]) for record in records])
# Convert DuckDB table to DataFrame and write to Delta table
duck_df = con.execute("SELECT * FROM users").fetchdf()
delta_table_path = ".../test_delta_table/" # modify this to your desired directory
write_deltalake(delta_table_path, duck_df, mode='append')
# Verify Delta table directory contents and check metadata
result = con.execute(f"SELECT * FROM delta_scan('{delta_table_path}')").fetchdf()
delta_table = DeltaTable(delta_table_path)
Now that the Delta table is created, register it with Unity Catalog:
docker exec -it unitycatalog uc table create --full_name my_local_catalog.my_schema.sample_delta_table --columns "Index INT, User_Id STRING, First_Name STRING, Last_Name STRING, Sex STRING, Email STRING, Phone STRING, Date_of_birth DATE, Job_Title STRING" --format DELTA --storage_location file:///C:/.../.../.../test_delta_table
Note: Update storage location to the path of your Delta Table
Read the table to verify its contents:
docker exec -it unitycatalog uc table read --full_name my_local_catalog.my_schema.sample_delta_table
You have now successfully set up Unity Catalog to run on Docker, created a catalog, schema, generated sample Delta Table, registered the sample Delta table, and read it the Delta Table back using Unity Catalog native capabilities.