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Contains detailed walkthrough and necessary code and commands to set-up unity catalog to run on docker.

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To set up and run a Unity Catalog project using Docker, follow this walkthrough:

Phase 1: Set-up Unity Catalog Project Directory

Step 1: Clone the Unity Catalog Repository

Run the following command to clone the Unity Catalog repository:

git clone

Step 2: Setup Dockerfile for macOS and Windows

Navigate to the cloned repository and create a Dockerfile named unitycatalog.dockerfile with the following content:

macOS Dockerfile

# Use Ubuntu as base image
FROM ubuntu:20.04

# Set working directory in container

# Install OpenJDK 17, curl, and other necessary tools
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y openjdk-17-jdk curl gnupg

# Install sbt
RUN echo "deb all main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list && \
    curl -sL "" | apt-key add && \
    apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y sbt

# Copy necessary files
COPY . /app

# Build project
RUN sbt package

# Make sure scripts are executable
RUN chmod +x /app/bin/start-uc-server /app/bin/uc

# Add /app/bin to PATH
ENV PATH="/app/bin:${PATH}"

# Expose port app runs on

# Run Unity Catalog server
CMD ["/bin/bash", "/app/bin/start-uc-server"]

Windows Dockerfile

# Use Ubuntu as base image
FROM ubuntu:20.04

# Set working directory in container

# Install OpenJDK 17, curl, and other necessary tools
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y openjdk-17-jdk curl gnupg dos2unix

# Install sbt
RUN echo "deb all main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list && \
    curl -sL "" | apt-key add && \
    apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y sbt

# Copy necessary files
COPY . /app

# Ensure scripts have LF line endings
RUN dos2unix /app/bin/start-uc-server && \
    dos2unix /app/bin/uc

# Build project
RUN sbt package

# Make sure scripts are executable
RUN chmod +x /app/bin/start-uc-server /app/bin/uc

# Add /app/bin to PATH
ENV PATH="/app/bin:${PATH}"

# Expose port app runs on

# Run Unity Catalog server
CMD ["/bin/bash", "/app/bin/start-uc-server"]

Phase 2: Running Unity Catalog in Docker

Step 1: Build the Docker Image

Run the following command to build the Docker image:

docker build -t unitycatalog -f unitycatalog.dockerfile .

Step 2: Run the Docker Container

Run the following command to start a new container:

docker run -d --name unitycatalog -p 8080:8080 unitycatalog

Step 3: Verify the Container is Running

Check the logs to verify the container is running:

docker logs unitycatalog

You should see the Unity Catalog logo and other startup messages.

#  _    _       _ _            _____      _        _              #
# | |  | |     (_) |          / ____|    | |      | |             #
# | |  | |_ __  _| |_ _   _  | |     __ _| |_ __ _| | ___   __ _  #
# | |  | | '_ \| | __| | | | | |    / _` | __/ _` | |/ _ \ / _` | #
# | |__| | | | | | |_| |_| | | |___| (_| | || (_| | | (_) | (_| | #
#  \____/|_| |_|_|\__|\__, |  \_____\__,_|\__\__,_|_|\___/ \__, | #
#                      __/ |                                __/ | #
#                     |___/               v0.1.0-SNAPSHOT  |___/  #

Phase 3: Initial Setup

Step 1: Create and List Catalogs

Create a new catalog and list all catalogs:

docker exec -it unitycatalog uc catalog create --name my_local_catalog
docker exec -it unitycatalog uc catalog list

Step 2: Create and List Schemas

Create a new schema within the catalog and list all schemas:

docker exec -it unitycatalog uc schema create --catalog my_local_catalog --name my_schema
docker exec -it unitycatalog uc schema list --catalog my_local_catalog

Step 3: Create a Delta Table


Ensure you have the following Python packages installed:

  • deltalake
  • duckdb
  • mimesis

Code to Generate and Write Data to Delta Table

import duckdb
from deltalake import write_deltalake, DeltaTable
import os
from mimesis import Person
from mimesis.locales import Locale

# Generate 1000 records
person = Person(Locale.EN)
records = []
for index in range(1, 1001):
    record = {
        "Index": index,
        "User_Id": person.identifier(),
        "First_Name": person.first_name(),
        "Last_Name": person.last_name(),
        "Sex": person.gender(),
        "Phone": person.telephone(),
        "Date_of_birth": person.birthdate().isoformat(),
        "Job_Title": person.occupation()

# Create DuckDB table and insert records
con = duckdb.connect()
    CREATE TABLE users (
        "Index" INTEGER,
        "User_Id" VARCHAR,
        "First_Name" VARCHAR,
        "Last_Name" VARCHAR,
        "Sex" VARCHAR,
        "Email" VARCHAR,
        "Phone" VARCHAR,
        "Date_of_birth" DATE,
        "Job_Title" VARCHAR

insert_query = "INSERT INTO users VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
con.executemany(insert_query, [(record["Index"], record["User_Id"], record["First_Name"], record["Last_Name"], record["Sex"], record["Email"], record["Phone"], record["Date_of_birth"], record["Job_Title"]) for record in records])

# Convert DuckDB table to DataFrame and write to Delta table
duck_df = con.execute("SELECT * FROM users").fetchdf()
delta_table_path = ".../test_delta_table/" # modify this to your desired directory
write_deltalake(delta_table_path, duck_df, mode='append')

# Verify Delta table directory contents and check metadata

result = con.execute(f"SELECT * FROM delta_scan('{delta_table_path}')").fetchdf()

delta_table = DeltaTable(delta_table_path)

Step 4: Register the Delta Table

Now that the Delta table is created, register it with Unity Catalog:

docker exec -it unitycatalog uc table create --full_name my_local_catalog.my_schema.sample_delta_table --columns "Index INT, User_Id STRING, First_Name STRING, Last_Name STRING, Sex STRING, Email STRING, Phone STRING, Date_of_birth DATE, Job_Title STRING" --format DELTA --storage_location file:///C:/.../.../.../test_delta_table

Note: Update storage location to the path of your Delta Table

Step 5: Read the Table (Delta Format Only)

Read the table to verify its contents:

docker exec -it unitycatalog uc table read --full_name my_local_catalog.my_schema.sample_delta_table

You have now successfully set up Unity Catalog to run on Docker, created a catalog, schema, generated sample Delta Table, registered the sample Delta table, and read it the Delta Table back using Unity Catalog native capabilities.


Contains detailed walkthrough and necessary code and commands to set-up unity catalog to run on docker.







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