(0): client requests to get new voucher code (along with callbackUrl)
(1.1): Gateway stores callbackUrl of this client request to Redis
(1.2): Gateway pushes a message to kafka server
(1.3): Gateway responses to client that message is being processed within 30s
(2): voucher integration service receives message request
(3): send api request to Voucher Provider Server (VPS) to get voucher code and wait for 3s.
(4.1): within 3s, VPS responses with the voucher code or a message: "the request is being processed within 30 seconds" depending on network traffic.
(4.2): if took longer than 3s, VPS will response the voucher code via callbackUrl.
(5): upon receving voucher code, voucher int service pushes a message states that it has the voucher code.
(6): Gateway receives the code then (7) get callbackUrl from Redis and (8) send it to web/SMS base on message status.
(9): in the meantime, when voucher service receives the code, it persists to DB.
note: user needs to sign-in (if does not have account then sign-up) first to get the access token (jwt form) and then include this access token in their request header on protected resouces.
(10): client request to get all purchased code by phone number
(11): Gateway delegates the request to voucher-service (*)
(12): voucher-service handle request then response result to Gateway
(13): Gateway response result to Client
(*): Gateway will also handle authentication check at step (11) before deleggation, if authentication success, it will delegate request. Usually there should be a microservice for this task, however, its tasks are only for sign-up and check authentication, quite small for this assignment, so no need for new service.
- request-code
- receive-code
Acts as a backend frontline, receives all requests from Client and delegates request to coresponding service. Also acts as an authorization server.
- 1 kafka producer to request-code topic
- 1 kafka consumer to receive-code topic
- communication to kafka, redis, postgres and voucher-service
Subscribes to request-code topic, requests to 3rd party Voucher Provider Server, handle voucher code response from VPS then publish to receive-code topic.
- 1 kafka consumer to request-code topic
- 1 kafka producer to receive-code topic
Subscribes to receive-code topic, persists voucher code to DB when receives code; handle request to get all purchased code by phone number.
- 1 kafka consumer to receive-code topic
- handle gateway request to get purchased voucher codes.
(TODO: improvement implementation)
- voucher-int-service request new voucher code for a phoneNumber, request including:
- callbackUrl: an exposed endpoint for VPS to call upon its late voucher generation response.
- phoneNumber: client phone number
- VPS response as follow:
- if the traffic is low (within 3 seconds) return the voucher code right away.
- else, at 3 seconds mark, return an acknowledge response including:
- t(codeVerifier):
- transformMethod:
- message: "Your request is being processed within 30 seconds".
- return via callbackUrl:
- if traffic is extremely heavy (took more than 30 seconds) then return a late_success response including:
- codeVerifier
- message: "Thank you for your patience, your voucher code is ready."
- status: LATE_SUCCESS
- voucherCode
- else, response including:
- codeVerifier
- message: "Thank you for using our services, your voucher code is ready."
- status: SUCCESS
- voucherCode
- if traffic is extremely heavy (took more than 30 seconds) then return a late_success response including:
base on Proof Key for Code Exchange protocol flow of OAuth2 ("client" is VPS, "Authz Server" is voucher-int-service in our use case)
Bootstrap infrastructure services: zookeeper, kafka, postgres and redis, using docker compose:
$ docker-compose up -d
To start up services, must install shared services first because it produces common code that other services are using:
# one line command:
$ (cd voucher-provider-shared; mvn clean install); (cd voucher-shared; mvn clean install);
Open 4 terminal shells and start each service independently:
$ cd voucher-service; mvn;
$ cd gateway; mvn;
$ cd voucher-provider-server; mvn;
$ cd voucher-int-service; mvn;
There will be improvement using docker compose.
First, sign up a new user:
curl -X POST 'localhost:8080/user/sign-up' \
-H 'content-type:application/json' \
-d '{"username":"batman","phoneNumber":"0909123456","password":"batpass"}'
Then, use jwt to requests for new voucher code
curl -X POST 'localhost:8080/voucher?phoneNumber=0909123456&callbackUrl=https://www.some-web.com/api/voucher-code/callback' \
-H 'authorization: <jwt_value_responsed_when_sign_up>'
Next, If user has been inactive for more than 10mins, the access token will be expired and user has to sign in again:
curl -X POST 'localhost:8080/user/sign-in' \
-H 'content-type:application/json' \
-d '{"username":"batman","password":"batpass"}'
Finally, use the jwt token to request to get all vouchers:
curl -X GET 'localhost:8080/voucher?phoneNumber=0909123456' \
-H 'authorization: <jwt_value_when_sign_in>'
Sample request to VPS server directly: (for debuging purpose only)
curl -X POST 'localhost:8081/api/request/voucher' \
-H 'content-type:application/json' \
-d '{"phoneNumber":"0909123456","callbackUrl":"http://localhost:8082/api/voucher-code/vps/response"}'
To see what data store inside postgres db:
$ docker exec -it postgres psql -U postgres bank_voucher_int
psql> \dt list all tables
psql> select * from voucher;
psql> select * from bank_user;
Go to each project and execute these commands:
$ mvn clean test
To see code coverage (services only):
$ mvn jacoco:report # need file jacoco.exec, generated at $ mvn test
# test coverage is generated at: target/site/jacoco/index.html