This repository is no longer maintained. Please visit the new repo free5gc-k8s.
This repository contains Dockerfiles for the Free5gc and UERANSIM projects. The container images can be used to run a 5G network using Kubernetes. Details on how this can be done, including Kubernetes manifest files can be found at 5gc-manifests.
These images are based on the Ubuntu docker image. Thus, you can run them as:
$ docker run -it <image> /bin/bash
Check out 5gc-manifests to see how you can run a 5G network based on these images using Kubernetes.
You should probably use the aio
image, which is built on Ubuntu:20.04.
: All in one image, which conatains executables for all of the free5GC functions.base
: Used as base image for multi-stage build. Theaio
image depends on this.
The aio
image is around 220 Mb in size. The Ubuntu image is used for ease-of-use and experimentation; the focus is not on reducing the size of the image. Using other images such as minideb or alpine can be used for reducing the size of the container images. Please note that the UPF does not support alpine.
: Prometheus exporter which relies on libgtp5gnl. It collects Rx and Tx PDR statistics for each PDR and exposes these PDR statistics in Prometheus format.
These are heavily inspired by the free5gc-compose project.