A simple and useful URI package for Laravel framework.
This package provides an object representation of a uniform resource identifier (URI), an easy access and manipulation to the parts of the URI.
This package requires PHP 7.2 and Laravel 5.8 or higher.
Install with composer:
composer require nsaliu/laravel-uri
Creates a new instance with the specified URI.
$uri = new Uri();
Return the string representation of the URI instance.
$uri = new Uri();
Check with a GET call if the host returns an HTTP status code equals to 200.
$uri = new Uri();
Check if a string representation of the URI equals to the URI instance.
$uri = new Uri();
Gets all the URIs components if presents.
$uri = new Uri();
'scheme' => 'https'
'host' => 'test.test'
'port' => 443
'user' => 'fakeuser'
'pass' => 'fakepass'
'path' => '/path1/path2/page.html'
'query' => 'key1=value1&key2=value2'
'fragment' => 'fragment'
Get the scheme part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
If a scheme is present return https
otherwise an empty string
Get the user part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
If a user is present returns fakeuser
, otherwise return an empty string
Get the pass part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
If a password is set return fakepass
, otherwise return an empty string
Get the authority part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
- if no authority information is present, this method return an
empty string
. - if authority is set return it in form of:
. - if the port is a standard port for scheme, the port is not included, otherwise yes.
// Create a URI with 'https' scheme and '80' as port (not default for https)
$uri = new Uri();
Return jhon:doe@test.com:80
Get the authority part of the URI with the port too, even if it's the default for the scheme.
$uri = new Uri();
Return jhon:doe@test.com:443
Get the user part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
- if no user information is present return an
empty string
. - if a user is present in the URI return
. - if a password is present it returns the password too separated by ':' from the username
Get the host part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
Return test.test
Get the port part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
- if the port is present return the port as an integer:
. - if the port is not present, return
Get whether the port value of the URI is the default for the scheme.
$uri = new Uri();
// return false because 80 isn't the default port for https scheme
if the port is default for the scheme.false
if the port isn't the default.
Get the path value of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
- if a path is present return
. - if the path is not present return an
empty string
Get the path value of the URI as an array.
$uri = new Uri();
- if the path is present return the path portion of the URI as an array:
- if path is not present return an
empty string
Get the query part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
- if the query part of the URI is present return
. - if the query part of the URI is not present return an
empty string
Get the value of a given query key.
$uri = new Uri();
- if the key exists in query return:
. - if the key not exists in query part return an
empty string
Get the query part of the URI as an array.
$uri = new Uri();
- if the query part is present return:
'key1' => 'value1',
'key2' => 'value2',
- if the query part not exists return an
empty array
Get the path and query part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
- if the path and query exists return
. - if the path exists and query not exists return
. - if the path not exists and query too return an
empty string
Get the fragment part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
- if the fragment is present return
. - if the fragment is not present return an
empty string
Set the scheme part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
Set the user part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
Set the password part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
Set the user and password part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
$uri->setUserInfo('username'); // without password
$uri->setUserInfo('username', 'password'); // or with password
Set the host part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
Set the port part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
Set the path part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
Set the query part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
Set the query part of the URI with an array.
$uri = new Uri();
$uri->setQueryArray(['key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2']);
Add a query key and value to the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
$uri->addQuery('key3', 'value3');
Change a query part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();
$uri->changeQuery('key1', 'new-value');
Set the fragment part of the URI.
$uri = new Uri();