A backend to compute and track a user's air quality index based on time and location.
Project is created with ❤️ and:
- node
- google cloud functions
- google firestore
- FE client with react/ react native
- typescript (in the future)
- swagger (in the future)
- postgreSQL/ neo 4j (in the future)
Below is the API documentation for Exposia API, and much is still work in progress. Soon a client will be expected to have an account, which will provide a security token, which will be used for all the calls for identification and rate-limiting.
The base URL is https://us-central1-exposia.cloudfunctions.net
Store the latest aqi report for a user by giving location as an argument. Side-effect will be the report will be persisted on our database, for later retrieval.
GET /reportLocation
@param req.query.latitude {number} latitude of location (ex. 37.5485)
@param req.query.longitude {number} longitude of location (ex. -121.98)
@param req.query.userId {number} id of user returned by createUser endpoint (ex. 1)
TODO - combine with above api
TODO - combine with above api
Get all aqi data for user given a specific time period. No side-effect.
GET /getAqiReport
@param req.query.startTime {Timestamp} earliest time in UTC data should be retrieved for (ex. 1569997386244)
@param req.query.endTime {Timestamp} latest time in UTC data should be retrieved for (ex. 1569997436030)
@param req.query.userId {number} id of user we want reports for (ex. 1)