Grafana plugin is a part of Integrated Visualizing, Monitoring, and Managing HPC Systems
Currently, there are 4 visualization developed as Grafana plugin:
- Parallel coordinate
- Spiral layout
- Sankey
- Stream-net (aka. PowerMap)
For introduction about grafana, you can read the presentation here
Grafana-plugin require Grafana v8.0.3
Download For Linux, For Windows, For MacOS, For Docker
Note that plugins are signed for http://localhost:5000
. Therefore, please make sure that Grafana will run as port 5000
If you want to run an example dashboard, you need to follow the instruction of MonSter
Download plugin you want to install
Unzip plugin(s) at grafana plugin folder
unzip -d YOUR_PLUGIN_DIR/my-plugin
can be C:\Program Files\GrafanaLabs\grafana\data\plugins
in Windows and /var/lib/grafana/plugins
in Linus. Make sure after unzip the plugin folder will have structure as:
|-- plugins
|-- parallel-coordinate
|-- dist
|-- spiral-layout
|-- dist
|-- sankey
|-- dist
|-- stream-net
|-- dist
Please restart Grafana after install any plugin
Download example dashboard here. Follow the step in following picture
While Parallel coordinate and Spiral layout only requires Health metrics, Sanke and Stream-net need job information.
You can add many health metric as you want be copy and modify following query:
To switch the visulization plugin, go to right panel, click on the name of current plugin and search for plugin name
In current state, all plugins are unsigned plugins. If you want to know what is Plugin signature please read this post.
Locate setting file:
For Linux :
For Windows:
C:\Program Files\GrafanaLabs\grafana\conf\custom.ini file or grafana.ini file
For Mac:
Add plugin name after
Plugin names are listed below:
- Parallel coordinate:
- Spiral layout:
- Sankey:
- Stream-net:
For full plugins in this repository using setting below
allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = hpcviz-idvl-hpcc-sankey,hpcviz-idvl-hpcc-parallel-coordinate,hpcviz-idvl-hpcc-spiral-layout,hpcviz-idvl-hpcc-stream-net
12/7/2021: adjust condition to detect time in Parallel-coorcinate
12/9/2021: Adjust detect time field in other plugin. Remove MANIFEST in all plugins (Pleae read the introduction of unsigned plugin)
Contact for support: