Ansible role for installing MongoDB. Molecule tests TraviCI driven in GCE
Ssh key
- Generate ssh key in advance
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f google_compute_engine -C 'travis' -q -N ''
- Then, add it to GCP project metadata manually
- Generate ssh key in advance
GCP Service Account
In GCP Console go to IAM - Service Accounts and create a new one with following roles:
- Compute Engine - Compute Instance Admin (v1)
- Service Account User
Download json key and save it to file
Go to and authorize it to access this repo
Important Limit max concurrent builds for the repo to 1 because each build triggers Molecule tests with single GCE project as environment!
In locally cloned repo authenticate to Travis (it should be preinstalled):
travis login --com
Encrypt secrets:
travis encrypt GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL='' --add --com travis encrypt GCE_CREDENTIALS_FILE="$(pwd)/credentials.json" --add --com travis encrypt GCE_PROJECT_ID='infra-NNNNNN' --add --com
Encrypt files:
tar cvf secrets.tar credentials.json google_compute_engine travis login travis encrypt-file secrets.tar --add --com