This is a learning project. Our goals were to practice full stack development by creating a React client and Python-Django back end.
This project was completed in 2 agile-scrum sprints.
During week one, we developed the back end using pure Python + SQL. The repo can be found here:
We also developed the front end using React.js. The repo can be found here:
During week two, we re-wrote the back end using the Django framework in this current repo. The styling in this project was implemented using Material UI.
- In the terminal, run
git clone
- Move into correct directory
cd <name of folder you just created>
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Run the code
npm start
This will initialize the React app in your browser, but you won't be able to log into the site or access data without running the server side of this project. To download and start the server, go to and follow the README there.
Once you are running the server, create a new user, log in to view the site, and test out the features!
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.