Our server for team golden bananas
This is the API for the rare-client-golden-bananas
Follow the steps below to download and run this project on your computer
- Client is required for full functionality. View client repo here
- Clone this repository
- From server directory, run "pipenv install"
- Make sure to be in a virtual environment. "pipenv shell"
- Run this code:
rm db.sqlite3
rm -rf ./rareapi/migrations
python3 manage.py migrate
python3 manage.py makemigrations rareapi
python3 manage.py migrate rareapi
python3 manage.py loaddata users
python3 manage.py loaddata tokens
python3 manage.py loaddata rare_users
python3 manage.py loaddata categories
python3 manage.py loaddata posts
- Run "python manage.py runserver"
For more help with installations, go to ChatGPT
- Created server-side code to handle requests.
- Clientside MyPost view.
- Clientside create post view.
- Managed local storage content.
- Created category delete functionality.
- Github pull-requests, code-review, merges.
- Created Django models and fixtures.
- Clientside MyPost view.
- Clientside create post view.
- Managed local storage content.
- Created category delete functionality.
- Github pull-requests, code-review, merges.
- Clientside view all posts embedded content.
- Clientside view single post details.
- Created category delete functionality.
- Clientside JSX to match property decorators.
- Github pull-requests, code-review, merges.
- Clientside view all filter posts by category.
- Created category delete functionality.
- Github pull-requests, code-review, merges.