Console Project
You are an employee of the really awesome cardboard company and you're trying to create a console application for your fellow Sales Team Members. As the Assistant to the Assistant Regional Manager you take it upon yourself to outdo Tim in anyway possible.
The biggest issue you have is keeping track of your clients and their orders so you can report them back to Michael your overzealous Regional Manager that you do anything for and your secret, cheating ex-girlfriend Accountant, Angelina.
Welcome to Dufflin/Munder Cardboard Co.
Sales Portal!
1. Enter Sales
2. Generate Report For Accountant
3. Add New Sales Employee
4. Find a Sale
5. Exit
Which Sales Employee Are You
1. Dwight Hyte
2. Tim Halbert
3. Phyllis Leaf
Hi, Dwight!
Enter a sale
Sales Agent: Dwight Hyte
Client: Carol's Pen Pals
ClientID: 2343
Sale: $3412
Recurring: Monthly
Time Frame: 3 months
Generate a Report
Monthly Sales Report
For: Oscar
1. Dwight Hyte
1. Carol's Pen Pals
2. 2 Men & A Horse Moving Co
3. Taco Hell Distrubuting
Total: $12,234.20
2. Tim Halbert
1. Cleaning Heiresses
2. Lillian's Funeral Home
Total: $9,083.94
Create an Employee class which will be a base class for SalesEmployee & AccountantEmployee.
- you should create at least 2 Accountants (Oscar and Kevin are way nicer than Angelina)
- this will allow you to choose which accountant you'd like to generate a report for
- SalesEmployee class includes a collection of Sale
When creating a Sale, you should enter all the information pertaining to that sale, and your Name should automatically be populated ( you already entered it in Step 1 🤯 )
- note here a class should be made
- create a client # to identify by
Generating a report:
- Iterate over a collection of Sales to give to the chosen Accountant that shows the following:
- each SalesEmployee and all of their clients
- at the end of that employee's clients, show the total sales amount for that month
- This can be displayed however you like
One of the menu options states to "Find a Sale", enter a client's # and display that Sale with the corresponding seller.
Create a projected 3 month report, calculating those sales over the 3 months.