Mobile app written in react-native for bowls products delivery in a first special edition in Nicoya, Guanacaste!
You must follow this steps to install commitizen with emojis properly
# Step 1
$ npm install --global cz-emoji
# Step 2
# set as default adapter for your projects
$ echo '{ "path": "cz-emoji" }' > ~/.czrc
To commit a change you must type git cz
, select the proper option for your change and follow the steps that will be shown
? Select the type of change you're committing: (Use arrow keys or type to search)
> feat: 🍻 A new feature
fix: 💩 A bug fix
test: 🚓 Testing improved with new or fixed tests
chore: 🔩 Doesn't modify src or test files
style: 🎨 Doesn't affect the meaning of the code (white-space, semi-colons, etc)
docs: 📚 Documentation change
refactor: 🔧 Neither fixes a bug or adds a feature
(Move up and down to reveal more choices)
In order to work with an environment that meet the requirements of this kind of technology you must:
Visual Studio Code recomended
If you are using VS code, its recomended to install this extensions
- React-native snippets Recomended repository
- TSLint. Recomended repository
- GitLens. Recomended repository
- TODO highlight. repository
For windows is recomended cmder
For mac hyper and oh-my-zsh for $bash
windows: node install link
Mac: Follow this instructions
type bellow command
$ npm install -g expo-cli