This is web-application, which allows you to get the current weather situation in any city.
A full-fledged weather web application with a nice design and the most necessary information.
Application uses Openweathermap API to get current weather.
The main functions of the application:
- The ability to search for weather by the name of a city or locality.
- Display the current weather, including temperature and humidity, as well as visualization on the background.
- Using a database with more than 68,000 cities and towns to accurately determine the user's location.
- The user can choose the language for ease of use - Russian / English.
- Adaptive layout for smartphone screens for easy access to the application from mobile devices.
- Saving history for each individual session, as well as deleting it
- Backend: Python, Django, SQLite, OpenWeatherMap API, Docker
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Django Template Language
Clone the repository:
git clone cd weather
Run the setup script to configure the virtual environment and start the project:
sh # Use `setup.bat` on Windows
βββ markdown-images/ # Directory for storing documentation images
βββ static/ # Static files folder
βββ weather/ # Directory with application settings
βββ weather_app/ # An application with the functionality of main app (it includes templates, static files, main urls and views)
βββ db.sqlite3 # Database
βββ # The program for launching Django application
βββ # Project documentation
βββ requirements.txt # List of dependencies
βββ setup.bat # Script to set up the virtual environment and start the project for Windows systems
βββ # Script to set up the virtual environment and start the project for UNIX systems