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Toronto Time API

A Go-based API that provides the current time in Toronto and logs requests to MySQL.

This implementation: Creates an HTTP endpoint at /time Returns both the current Toronto time and timezone information. It returns the current time in JSON format, in both ISO and user-friendly human-readable formats. Stores each request time in a MySQL database Properly handles the Toronto timezone

Some additional considerations: Error handling is implemented. Added environment variables for database credentials. The database connection could be moved to a separate package for better organization Added request logging middleware. For production, we have also implemented CORS handling.


CORS Middleware: The corsMiddleware function sets the necessary CORS headers. It allows all origins (*), but you can specify a particular domain if needed for security reasons.

Preflight Requests: The middleware checks if the request method is OPTIONS, which is used for preflight requests in CORS. If so, it returns immediately after setting the headers.

Integration: The middleware is applied to the /time endpoint by wrapping the getTorontoTime handler.

This setup will allow your API to handle CORS requests properly. Adjust the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to restrict access to specific domains if needed for your production environment.


  • Go and git are installed.
  • Web browser or API testing tool (like Postman or cURL)
  • Docker and docker-compose are installed and running
  • Install MySQL workbench or MySQL-Shell.
  • MySQL instance is running and you've connected to your local mysql database.
    • Ensure that your connection string is same as used in this code.
    • You may modify the connection string in the main.go file to match your DB's username and password.


  • Returns current Toronto time in multiple formats (ISO and human-readable)
  • Stores each request in MySQL database
  • CORS enabled
  • Dockerized application with Docker Compose
  • Error handling and logging

Project Structure

├── Dockerfile
├── docker-compose.yml
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
├── schema.sql
└── test.html

Installation & Running

  1. Clone the repository: git clone cd goTimezoneApi

  2. Start the application using Docker Compose: docker-compose up --build

  3. Wait for the following messages:

    • "Server starting on :8080..."
    • MySQL initialization complete


Environment Variables

The application uses these environment variables (set in docker-compose.yml):


Making Changes

  1. Stop the running containers
  2. Make your changes
  3. Rebuild and start: docker-compose up --build

Testing the API

Method 1: Using Web Browser

  1. Open test.html in your web browser
  2. You should see the current Toronto time displayed

Method 2: Using cURL

`curl http://localhost:8080/time`

Method 3: Using Browser Console

  1. Open your browser's developer tools (F12)

  2. In the console, paste: using JavaScript

    fetch('<http://localhost:8080/time>') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => console.log(data)) .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));

Method 4: Using Postman

  1. Create a new GET request
  2. Enter URL: http://localhost:8080/time
  3. Send the request time api in Postman

Expected Response

The API returns JSON in this format:

`    {
        "current_time": "2024-03-14T14:30:00-04:00",
        "readable_time": "2:30 PM",
        "readable_date": "Thursday, March 14",
        "timezone": "America/Toronto"

Verifying Database Logs

  1. Connect to MySQL container: docker exec -it goTimezoneApi-db-1 mysql -uroot -padmin

  2. Query the logs: USE timedb; SELECT FROM time_logs ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5;

Stopping the Application

docker-compose down

To remove all data and start fresh: docker-compose down -v


Port Conflicts

If you see port conflict errors:

  1. Ensure local MySQL is not running
  2. Or modify ports in docker-compose.yml

Database Connection Issues

  1. Wait a few seconds after starting containers
  2. Check if MySQL container is running: docker ps

CORS Issues

If testing from a web page and getting CORS errors:

  1. Ensure you're using the correct URL
  2. Check browser console for specific error messages


Go time zone api with mysql data logging







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