A simple NodeJs tool that compares geospatial features (highways for now) from an up-to-date layer to OpenStreetMap data and returns any missing geometries. Uses Tile-Reduce, a geoprocessing library that implements MapReduce, to scale this comparison into the large.
At the moment, three input files are required:
- A groundtruth geojson feature collection that will be used to complete the osm layer (it is assumed that this only contains highways);
- A bounding box (geojson geometry) used to reduce the scope of the comparison;
- And a MBtiles file containing the latest osm data to be updated.
nodejs index.js -g groundtruth.geojson -b boundingbox.geojson -m osm.mbtiles -o output.geojson
The output will contain four sets of feature collections: the groundtruth and osm layer corresponding to the input bounding box and the computed geometries that are missing or partially missing on the osm layer. If no output file is specified, the result will be stored into "osmdiff.geojson".
Coming very soon...
An output example computed by this tool. The outdated OSM layer styled in blue lines. In red lines, the missing geometries. And in red dashed lines the partially missing.