A. Mastbaum mastbaum@uchicago.edu, 2018/02
This repository contains scripts for comparing different models implemented in the GENIE neutrino event generator.
There are production scripts in jobs
, set up to generate event samples
on the Fermilab grid. If using these, be sure to adjust output directories
to suit your needs! Scripts are:
Ar40, choose nue/numu
Flat flux, 0-3.5 GeV
Ar40, choose nue/numu
Monoenergetic beam at 10 GeV
Ar40, choose nue/numu
BNB-like flux (provided in data; place it somewhere in pnfs)
Submit jobs for one of the event generation scripts, for all the GENIE
model combinations.
The gevgen
scripts take three arguments:
./gevgen_models_(type) [NVENTS] [CONFIG] [GENERATORS]
NEVENTS - Number of events to generate
CONFIG - A GENIE configuration (e.g. DefaultPlusMECWithNC)
GENERATORS - Specifies the generator list (e.g. Default+CCMEC+NCMEC)
Note that in order to enable a particular configuration, the cross section tables and physics list are read from a specified file location. In the current versions of the scripts, it reads and unpacks a tarball with "minified" data (Ar40 num/nue only) and settings for each configuration, from persistent pnfs (dCache).
An analysis script named ggst
reads in GENIE GST (summary tree) ntuples and
plots of kinematic parameters, depending on the enabled generators (e.g. CCQE,
CCMEC, all events). To build the ggst
program, run make
The basic workflow is to generate event samples incusively (e.g.
Default+CCMEC+NCMEC) and with single generators enabled (e.g. CCMEC only)
and feed those into ggst
, which will compute for example an overall q0/q3
distribution for all events, and the joint proton kinetic energy distribution
for CCMEC events with two-proton final states. There are a couple of additional
scripts which take the per-generator output and condense it into summary
There are two input modes, for reading a set of files as they come out of the
production scripts (i.e. 1000 .gst.root
files) or one file where they are
-ed together. In either case, the configuration and generator names
are divined from the file path/name, which makes this somewhat fragile.
See the file loading section of ggst.cpp
for complete details.