This is a React friendly collection of SVG icons for use in the Smrt1 Health IDS Project. The package consists of 90 svg icons and 13 colors pre-bundled via webpack and has a size of about 260K.
This package has a peer dependency of react
and react-dom
version 18.
In the project directory, you can run npm install idsreslib
or yarn add idsreslib
to add the resource library to your project.
The package provides the following exports:
A key value object the keys are the names of the colors and the values are the hex color codes for example:
"Blue": "#0000FF"
import {colors} from 'idsreslib';
function ColorTable() {
return Object.entries(colors).map(([color, colorCode]) => <span style={{margin: 10, padding: 20,width: "120px", height: "120px", backgroundColor: colorCode, color: color === "Black" ? "white" : "black", border: "solid 1px black"}}>
A key value object where the keys are the icon names and the values are React Components wrap an svg icon.
import {icons} from 'idsreslib';
function Icons({width, height}) {
return <div>
{Object.values(icons).map(([Icon]) => <Icon key={iconName} width={width} height={height}/>)}
A React Component that accepts an icon prop which is the string name for which icon to display.
Usage in a React Component:
import {IdsIcon} from 'idsreslib';
export default function AardvarkIcon({width, height}) {
return <IdsIcon icon="Aardvark" width={width} height={height}/>;
A function that you pass a language string then it returns a 2 dimensional array of colors with localized names.
[["Blue", "#0000FF", "Blue"]]
import {localizedColors} from 'idsreslib';
function ColorTable() {
return localizedColors('fr').map(([colorKey, color, colorName]) => <span style={{margin: 10, padding: 20,width: "120px", height: "120px", backgroundColor: color, color: colorKey === "Black" ? "white" : "black", border: "solid 1px black"}}>
A function that you pass a language string then it returns a 2 dimensional array of icons with localized names.
import {localizedIcons} from 'idsreslib';
function Icons({width, height}) {
return <div>
{localizedIcons(en).map(([iconKey, Icon, iconName]) => <Icon key={iconKey} width={width} height={height}/> - {iconName})}
Open up a terminal and run the following to test this out using create-react-app:
npx create-react-app myApp
cd myApp
npm install styled-components idsreslib
Then replace App.js
and App.css
with the contents below using your favourite IDE and run:
npm start
import './App.css';
import {colors, icons, IdsIcon} from './idsreslib';
import styled from 'styled-components';
//Let's Add French names for the icons
const frenchIconNames = {Aardvark: 'Aardvark', Acorn: 'Bellota', Albatross: 'Albatros', Alligator: 'Alligator', Ant: 'Fourmi', Antelope: 'Antilope', Armadillo: 'Tatou roux', BagSeedling: 'Plántula de Bolsa', Bat: 'Chauve-souris', Bear: 'Ours', Beaver: 'Castor', Bee: 'Abeille', BenchTree: 'Árbol de banco', Binoculars: 'Prismáticos', Boar: 'Sanglier', Buffalo: 'Buffle', Bug: 'Bicho', Bugs: 'Insectos', Bull: 'Taureau', Butterfly: 'Papillon', Cactus: 'Cactus', Camel: 'Chameau', Cardinal: 'Cardinal', Cat: 'Chat', Chestnut: 'Castaña', CloudSun: 'Nube Sol', Clover: 'Trébol', Cougar: 'Cougar', Crow: 'Corbeau', Deer: 'Cerf', Dog: 'Chien', Dolphin: 'Dauphin', Dove: 'Colombe', Dragon: 'Dragon', Dragonfly: 'Libellule', Eagle: 'Aigle', Elephant: 'Éléphant', Elk: 'Elan', Feather: 'Pluma', FeatherPointed: 'Pluma Puntiaguda', Fire: 'Fuego', FireSmoke: 'Humo de Fuego', Fish: 'Poisson', Flamingo: 'Flamant rose', Flower: 'Flor', FlowerDaffodil: 'Flor Narciso', FlowerTulip: 'Flor Tulipán', Fox: 'Renard', Frog: 'Grenouille', Gazelle: 'Gazelle', Giraffe: 'Girafe', Goat: 'Chèvre', Goose: 'Oie', Grasshopper: 'Sauterelle', Heron: 'Héron', Hippopotamus: 'Hippopotame', Horse: 'Cheval', HouseTree: 'Árbol de la Casa', Hummingbird: 'Colibri', Icicles: 'Carámbanos', Jellyfish: 'Méduse', Kiwi: 'Kiwi', Koala: 'Koala', Ladybug: 'Coccinelle', Leaf: 'Hoja', LeafMaple: 'Hoja de Arce', LeafOak: 'Roble Hoja', Lion: 'Lion', Lizard: 'Lézard', Llama: 'Llama', Lobster: 'Homard', Locust: 'Langosta', Loon: 'Loon', Manta: 'Manta', Monkey: 'Singe', Moose: 'Orignal', Mosquito: 'Moustique', Mound: 'Montículo', Mountain: 'Montaña', Mountains: 'Montañas', Mouse: 'Souris', Mushroom: 'Champiñón', Narwhal: 'Narval', Octopus: 'Pieuvre', Otter: 'Loutre', Owl: 'Hibou', Panda: 'Panda', Peacock: 'Paon', Pelican: 'Pélican', Penguin: 'Pingouin', PersonHiking: 'Persona Caminando', Pompebled: 'Pompeble', Porcupine: 'Porc-épic', Pterodactyl: 'Ptérodactyle', Rabbit: 'Lapin', Raccoon: 'Raton laveur', Raindrops: 'Gotas de lluvia', Ram: 'Bélier', Rhinoceros: 'Rhinocéros', Rooster: 'Coq', Seahorse: 'Hippocampe', Seal: 'Phoque', Seedling: 'Planta de semillero', Shark: 'Requin', Sheep: 'Mouton', SignsPost: 'Publicación de señales', Snail: 'Escargot', Snake: 'Serpent', Spider: 'Araignée', SpiderBlackWidow: 'Araña Viuda Negra', SpiderWeb: 'Telaraña', Squirrel: 'Écureuil', Stegosaurus: 'Stegosaurus', Swan: 'Cygne', Tiger: 'Tigre', TreeDeciduous: 'Árbol caducifolio', TreeLarge: 'Árbol grande', TreePalm: 'Palmera de arbol', Triceratops: 'Triceratops', Trillium: 'Trilio', Turkey: 'Dinde', Turtle: 'Tortue', Tyrannosaurus: 'Tyrannosaure', Unicorn: 'Licorne', Volcano: 'Volcán', Vulture: 'Vautour', Water: 'Agua', Wave: 'La onda', Whale: 'Baleine', Wind: 'Viento', Wolf: 'Loup', Woodpecker: 'Pivert', Worm: 'Gusano'};
//You can use a styled-components pattern to color icons
const ColoredIcon = styled(IdsIcon)`
path {
fill: ${(props) => props.color}
//A nice function to split an array into chunks by Fernando Leal from
function splitChunks(sourceArray, chunkSize) {
if (chunkSize <= 0)
throw new Error("chunkSize must be greater than 0");
let result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < sourceArray.length; i += chunkSize) {
result[i / chunkSize] = sourceArray.slice(i, i + chunkSize);
return result;
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Create React App Demo of the IDS Resource Library (idsreslib)</h1>
To test the <strong>idsreslib</strong> project Open a terminal to run the following commands:
<li>`npx create-react-app myApp` to setup a react app more info can be found at <a href=""></a>.</li>
<li>`cd myApp`</li>
<li>`npm install styled-components idsreslib` to install styled components and the IDS Resource Library</li>
<li>replace App.js with the contents of this file in your favourite IDE</li>
<li>`npm start`</li>
<ColorTree colors={colors}/>
<h1>Icon Table</h1>
<IconTable icons={icons}/>
<h1>Icon Table French</h1>
<IconTableFrench icons={icons}/>
<h1>Icons Green</h1>
<IconTree icons={icons} className={"green"}/>
<h1>Icons Red</h1>
<IconTree icons={icons} className={"red"}/>
<h1>Icon Rainbow</h1>
<IconRainbow icon={"Aardvark"} colors={colors} className={"white"}/>
function ColorTree({colors}) {
return Object.entries(colors).map(([color, colorCode]) => <span
style={{margin: 10, padding: 20,width: "120px", height: "120px", backgroundColor: colorCode, color: color === "Black" ? "white" : "black", border: "solid 1px black"}}>{color}</span>);
function IconRainbow({icon, colors}) {
return Object.values(colors).map(colorCode => <ColoredIcon icon={icon} color={colorCode} width="50" height="50"/>);
function IconTree({icons, className}) {
return <div>
{Object.entries(icons).map(([iconName, Icon]) => <Icon key={iconName} class={className} width="50" height="50" alt={iconName}/>)}
function IconTable({icons, className}) {
const rows = splitChunks(Object.entries(icons), 18);
return <table align="center">
{, rowIdx) => <tr key={rowIdx}>{[iconName, Icon]) => <td key={iconName}>
<div><Icon class={className} width="70" height="70" alt={iconName}/></div>
function IconTableFrench({icons, className}) {
const rows = splitChunks(Object.entries(icons), 18);
return <table align="center">
{, rowIdx) => <tr key={rowIdx}>{[iconName, Icon]) => <td key={iconName}>
<div><Icon class={className} width="70" height="70" alt={iconName}/></div>
export default App;
body {
font-family: Roboto,Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
font-size: 12pt;
font-weight: normal;
height: auto;
.App {
text-align: center;
width: 100%;
.App-logo {
height: 40vmin;
pointer-events: none;
@media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) {
.App-logo {
animation: App-logo-spin infinite 20s linear;
.App-header {
background-color: #fefefe;
min-height: 100vh;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
font-size: calc(10px + 2vmin);
color: black;
.App-link {
color: #61dafb;
.green > path{
fill: green;
.red > path{
fill: red;
.white > path{
fill: white;
.white {
background-color: black;
border: 1px solid black;
@keyframes App-logo-spin {
from {
transform: rotate(0deg);
to {
transform: rotate(360deg);