In this challenge, I learned a lot, for example, I don't know before this challenge how to make a circular bar and sync with time. The Pomodoro script itself is easy, but CSS and synced progress bar gives a problem. But I learned new things, and this is cool 😅
In this project, I use this technology:
- React
- Vite
- Use-local-storage(it's a custom hook to work with localStorage)
You can check this live preview on this link
--------------------------------------------------------------> 🔝You need to click this blue button
2.Next, you see this popup window
3.Click in any tab you want like HTTPS, SSH or GitHub CLI, and copy the text on input.
4.Now open the IDE and paste this link into terminal
(p.s If you copy HTTPS or SSH you need before the link add the words "git clone")
5.Click the enter button on your keyboard.
And that's it, you copy it into your computer repository🎉🎊