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pun - pacman update notifier

systemd service that sends an email or telegram message if your system has pending updates.

Sends a notification if:

  • last notification was send before last update
  • there are new updates after last notification was send


  • small bash-script (may be used as a cronjob)
  • systemd-unit with timer
  • cron-mail mode (less output)
  • aur support with package-query
  • send update-list via mail.
  • send update-list via telegram bots.


Usage: pun [OPTIONS]
    -h ; --help                       Show this help message"
    -c ; --config CONFIG              Use config file CONFIG"
    -p                                Force to use pacman"
    -d                                Dry run: Send no mail, telegram, etc."
    -v                                Force output of updates list"
         --cron                       Only print if a mail would be send (cron mail compatible)"
    -q ; --quiet                      Quiet mode, only errors are printed"
    -m ; --mail ADDRESS               Send update-list via mail to ADDRESS"
    -t ; --telegram ID                Send update-list via telegram to contact ID"
         --telegram-token TOKEN       API-Token for the telegram telegram bot"

If package-query is installed, it will be used by default.
Force use of pacman with the -p switch (no aur).


  • Copy pun into your $PATH, typically /usr/local/bin


To run pun automatically once every hour use the systemd-timer

$ sudo systemctl start pun.timer
$ sudo systemctl enable pun.timer


If used as a cron job start with the --cron option or set OUTPUT=cron in the config file. In this mode you may send the output via cron mail.


To send telegram messages pun uses an official Telegram Bot. For this Bot to work you need to provide your telegram user id. You may get your telegram user id with the provided pun-search-telegram-id script, after you've sent a message to the NotifyBot.


The default config is in /etc/pun.conf. Commandline arguments overwrite this options.

FORCE_PACMAN=0         # force usage of pacman -> no aur support
OUTPUT=log             # output mode

USE_MAIL=0             # send notification mail
MAIL_ADDRESS=          # destination mail address

USE_TELEGRAM=0         # send notification message with telegram-cli
TELEGRAM_CONTACT=      # destination telegram contact id
TELEGRAM_TOKEN=        # token for the PUN telegram bot


  • none: don't generate any output (no logs, no mail).
  • cron: quiet mode for cron mail. Only generates error messages or output if a mail would have been send.
  • verbose: always show package-list, etc.

Don't change the TELEGRAM_TOKEN, unless you know, what you're doing!


  • Error: cannot update database
    • pacman needs root-rights. try with sudo
    • check internet-connection
  • Error: cannot find pacman. Your system is weird!
    • is pacman in your $PATH and executable?
    • wrong distro?
  • Error: cannot fetch update list
    • check internet-connection


  • cron example
  • test mail and telegram integration


(c) 2015 Bernd Busse, Daniel Jankowski
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License 3 (LGPLv3). See LICENSE for details.