They watch on your Kubernetes cluster…
Kubemen is a Kubernetes validating admission webhook that sends notifications when a resource changes on your cluster, heavily influenced by the Watchmen (2009) movie.
Currently supported channels:
- Mattermost
- emails
Documentation: https://kubemen.readthedocs.io
- ValidatingAdmissionWebhooks being enabled on your cluster
- you being an administrator of the cluster
If these requirements are fulfilled, installing Kubemen on your cluster is pretty straightforward:
- create TLS certificates for the service and sign them through the CSR API:
$ sh deploy/create-cert.sh
- deploy Kubemen:
$ cat deploy/kubemen.yaml | sh deploy/patch-ca-bundle.sh | kubectl apply -f -
If you want to hack on Kubemen:
- create and activate a virtualenv:
$ virtualenv -ppython3 .venv
$ .venv/bin/activate
- install the application requirements with pip:
(.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
- run it with:
(.venv) $ python run.py
To run Kubemen tests:
- install Kubemen locally (see above);
- install developers requirements with
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
; - run