Vue3, Vuefire, Firebase, Tailwindcss powered to-do app. Create, update, delete tasks with ease, and user authentication. Boss up your task game now!
Hosted on Netlify:
Vuefire Todos built with Vue3, Vuefire Vue-Router & Tailwind
- Client Side Rendering
- Vite-based hot module replacement (HMR) dev environment
- Deploys anywhere with zero config Netlify
- Login with password less email link
- Login with gmail
- Route Protection
- Dom change animation
- Crate Task with description
- Show task my it's status
- Search task my title
Requires Node.js 16+
# install dependencies
yarn install
# serve in dev mode, with hot reload at localhost:5173
yarn run dev
# build for production
yarn run build
# serve in production mode
yarn run preview