This project is my DCIT205 IA which is to create a simple 10-page website that is user-friendly and navigable. My project was mainly based on HTML and CSS with a little JavaScript. The website is a very basic one which I intend on improving overtime as I improve my skills. The website allows users to view details about the Computer Science department of the University of Ghana, reach out to the department as well as receive updates from the department.
You begin by forking the repository created for the project;
To clone this project, you can use the following command: First to the desired directory where they'll be working cd studentid_DCIT205 git clone
Constantly commit the changes made to the project to allow the TA to track your progress over time. This can be done with the following commands; git commit -m "Brief description of the changes made to the files"
NAME: Eunice Dickson STUDENT ID: 11015648
Working on this project has allowed me to properly understand Git and GitHub to begin with and also apply my understanding of it in the project. Also, this project has allowed me learn how to debug and fix problems. I have learned to structure my code well and also do research to be able to perform certain tasks. I have been able to revise and improve my knowledge of HTML and CSS during the entire process of working on this project. I have also learnt to reach out to other people for help when I face certain peculiar challenges.