Custom Discord Rich Presence Source Blob Project
- Discord RPC
npm i discord-rpc
- Create new Application at
1. Make sure you login first 2. Create New Application
- Create and name it whatever you want, it's up to you (this name will appear on your status "Playing
- 1> Click
Rich Presence
2> And upload your image whatever you want
- Change the name of the image with simple name (So it's not complicated)
and.. Done!!
Good to know:
You can check the custom discord rich presence through Rich Presence>Visualiser
Create new folder
and open command prompt or powershell through the folder
or or you can copy paste the folder path
npm init
then install the package -
create new file and name it whatever you want with format
Now you can continue to Coding! or you can copas the code :L
Now you can try to run it by type node .
or node (you files name).js
the result should be like this
For client.login
you can find it here!
make sure you uncheck the Hide Extension! ↩