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Sapl - The Sass Boilerplate is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites


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Sapl - The Sass Boilerplate

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Sapl - The Sass Boilerplate is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.

  • Sass with Gulp : Here
  • Sass with Grunt : Here
  • Sass with Webpack : Here

Table of contents

Quick Start

  1. Make sure you have these installed

  2. Clone repository git clone

  3. CD to the folder cd sapl-grunt

  4. Run yarn install

  5. Run yarn start

  6. Happy to use :)

Architecture Sass

Properly architecting your Sass project is a crucial starting point to having a maintainable, scalable, and well-organized project. Sass makes separating your project into logical “modules” simple with the @import directive, which acts differently than the native CSS @import directive in that it includes .scss or .sass files before the final CSS output.

You can read the documentation on the @import directive to get a good idea of how you can use it to include partial files.

There are many project architectures that you can employ in your project, and each might have their pros and cons. The important thing is that you choose one and stick with it. In this article, The 7-1 Pattern by Hugo Giraudel will be used. To summarize, there are seven folders and one main.scss file for output:

  • base/ – contains global styles, such as resets, typography, colors, etc.
  • components/ – contains each self-contained component in its own .scss partial
  • layout/ – contains styling for larger layout components; e.g. nav, header, footer, etc.
  • pages/ – contains page-specific styling, if necessary
  • themes/ – contains styling for different themes
  • utils/ – contains global mixins, functions, helper selectors, etc.
  • vendors/ – contains 3rd-party styles, mixins, etc.
  • main.scss – output file that brings together all of the above parts

Reference :

Directory Architecture

Add your files to the appropriate src subdirectories. Grunt will process and compile them into dist

├── dist/
│   ├── css/
│   │   ├── vendors/
│   │   └── main.min.css
│   │
│   ├── fonts/
│   ├── images/
│   ├── js/
│   │   ├── vendors/
│   │   └── main.bundle.js
│   │ 
│   ├── videos/
│   └── index.html
├── src/
│   ├── assets/
│   │   ├── css/
│   │   ├── fonts/
│   │   │   └── sprites/
│   │   │
│   │   ├── images/
│   │   ├── js/
│   │   │   ├── base/
│   │   │   ├── components/
│   │   │   ├── layout/
│   │   │   ├── vendors/
│   │   │   └── main.js
│   │   │
│   │   └── sass/
│   │       ├── base/
│   │       ├── components/
│   │       ├── layout/
│   │       ├── pages/
│   │       ├── themes/
│   │       ├── utils/
│   │       ├── vendors/
│   │       └── main.scss
│   │
│   └── views/
│       ├── index.html
│       └── index2.html
├── .babelrc
├── .editorconfig
├── .eslintrc
├── .gitignore
├── .travis.yml
├── gruntfile.js
├── package.json

What's is this

  • .babelrc
    This is a babel configuration file that converts the latest version of javascript to the old version. read the documentation here

  • .editorconfig
    EditorConfig helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs. read the documentation here

  • .eslintrc
    This is a eslint configuration file that checks your js code. read the documentation here

  • .gitignore
    Ignores minified and generated files, this is best for working in teams to avoid constant conflict, only the source files are needed. read the documentation here

  • .travis.yml
    This is used on for continuous integration tests, which monitor the Sapl build. read the documentation here


  1. Semantic HTML5
  2. Included Flat Colors
  3. Included Typographys
  4. Included Grid System
  5. Included Babel
  6. Browser Prefixing
  7. Minifying HTML
  8. Minifying CSS
  9. Minifying Images
  10. Minifying Javascript
  11. Linting for Javascript
  12. SVG Sprites
  13. Livereload
  14. Includes Framework
  15. Includes Useful Mixins
    • Breakpoints
    • Clearfix
    • Rem units
    • Background Image
    • Background Image Using Parallax Effect
    • Background Image Colored
    • Background Image Colored and Using Parallax Effect
    • Background Image Sliced
    • Background Image Sliced and Using Parallax Effect
    • Background Image Colored and Sliced
    • Background Image Colored, Sliced and Using Parallax Effect
    • Background Image Triangle
    • Background Image Colored and Triangle
    • Background Image Colored, Triangle and Using Parallax Effect

How to use Grid System

You can choose between columns 1 - 12 that you want to use, in my example, I use column 1.

  1. Global
        <div class="sapl-col-1">
            // html code
  2. Extra Small ≥ 376px
        <div class="sapl-col-xs-1">
            // html code
  3. Small ≥ 576px
        <div class="sapl-col-sm-1">
            // html code
  4. Medium ≥ 768px
        <div class="sapl-col-md-1">
            // html code
  5. Large ≥ 992px
        <div class="sapl-col-lg-1">
            // html code
  6. Extra Large ≥ 1200px
        <div class="sapl-col-xl-1">
            // html code

How to use Mixins

  1. Breakpoints

    @include mq (min, xs) {
        .example {
            // your css
    @include mq (max, xs) {
        .example {
            // your css
    .example {
        @include mq (min, xs) {
            .example-2 {
                // your css
    .example {
        @include mq (max, xs) {
            .example-2 {
                // your css
  2. Clearfix

    .example {
        @include clearfix;
  3. Rem units

    .example {
        font-size: rem(16px);
  4. Background Image

    .example {
        @include bgImg ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover);
  5. Background Image Using Parallax Effect

    .example {
        @include bgImgParallax ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, fixed);
  6. Background Image Colored

    .example {
        @include bgImgColored ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
  7. Background Image Colored and Using Parallax Effect

    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredParallax ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, fixed, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
  8. Background Image Sliced

    .example {
        @include bgImgSlicedTopLeft ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 87%);
    .example {
        @include bgImgSlicedTopRight ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 87%);
    .example {
        @include bgImgSlicedBottomLeft ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 87%);
    .example {
        @include bgImgSlicedBottomRight ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 87%);
    .example {
        @include bgImgSlicedTopBottomLeftRight ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 25%, 75%);
    .example {
        @include bgImgSlicedTopBottomRightLeft ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 25%, 75%);
  9. Background Image Sliced and Using Parallax Effect

    .example {
        @include bgImgSlicedParallaxTopLeft ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, fixed, 87%);
    .example {
        @include bgImgSlicedParallaxTopRight ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, fixed, 87%);
    .example {
        @include bgImgSlicedParallaxBottomLeft ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, fixed, 87%);
    .example {
        @include bgImgSlicedParallaxBottomRight ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, fixed, 87%);
    .example {
        @include bgImgSlicedParallaxTopBottomLeftRight ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, fixed, 25%, 75%);
    .example {
        @include bgImgSlicedParallaxTopBottomRightLeft ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, fixed, 25%, 75%);
  10. Background Image Colored and Sliced

    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredSlicedTopLeft ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 87%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredSlicedTopRight ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 87%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredSlicedBottomLeft ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 87%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredSlicedBottomRight ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 87%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredSlicedTopBottomLeftRight ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 25%, 75%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredSlicedTopBottomRightLeft ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 25%, 75%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
  11. Background Image Colored, Sliced and Using Parallax Effect

    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredSlicedParallaxTopLeft ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, fixed, 87%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredSlicedParallaxTopRight ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, fixed, 87%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredSlicedParallaxBottomLeft ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, fixed, 87%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredSlicedParallaxBottomRight ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, fixed, 87%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredSlicedParallaxTopBottomLeftRight ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, fixed, 25%, 75%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredSlicedParallaxTopBottomRightLeft ('../images/image.jpeg', center center, no-repeat, cover, fixed, 25%, 75%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
  12. Background Image Triangle

    .example {
        @include bgImgTriangleTop('../images/image.jpg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 25%);
    .example {
        @include bgImgTriangleBottom('../images/image.jpg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 75%);
    .example {
        @include bgImgTriangleTopBottom('../images/image.jpg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 25%, 75%);
  13. Background Image Colored and Triangle

    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredTriangleTop('../images/image.jpg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 25%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredTriangleBottom('../images/image.jpg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 75%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredTriangleTopBottom('../images/image.jpg', center center, no-repeat, cover, 25%, 75%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
  14. Background Image Colored, Triangle and Using Parallax Effect

    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredTriangleParallaxTop('../images/image.jpg', center center, no-repeat, cover, fixed, 25%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredTriangleParallaxBottom('../images/image.jpg', center center, no-repeat, cover, fixed, 75%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));
    .example {
        @include bgImgColoredTriangleParallaxTopBottom('../images/image.jpg', center center, no-repeat, cover, fixed, 25%, 75%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45));

How to contribute

I'm delighted that you're helping make this open source project better. Here are a few quick guidelines to make this an easier and better process for everyone.

Reporting a bug

First, make sure the bug hasn't already been reported by searching GitHub's issues section.

If no existing issue exists, go ahead and create one. Please be sure to include all of the following:

  1. A clear, descriptive title (ie. "A bug" is not a good title).
  2. Include the error message if have.
  3. The browser and OS that you're using.

Submitting a Pull Request

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch git checkout -b new-feature
  3. Commit your changes git commit -m "Add some feature"
  4. Push to the branch git push -u origin new-feature
  5. Create new Pull Request


  1. grunt
  2. babel
  3. babel-preset-es2015
  4. babel-preset-stage-2
  5. babelify
  6. eslint
  7. eslint-config-airbnb
  8. eslint-plugin-import
  9. eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
  10. eslint-plugin-react
  11. grunt-autoprefixer
  12. grunt-browser-sync
  13. grunt-browserify
  14. grunt-concurrent
  15. grunt-contrib-clean
  16. grunt-contrib-copy
  17. grunt-contrib-htmlmin
  18. grunt-contrib-uglify
  19. grunt-contrib-watch
  20. grunt-cssnano
  21. grunt-eslint
  22. grunt-image
  23. grunt-sass
  24. grunt-svgmin
  25. grunt-svgstore

Source Images


MIT © Nusalab Studios


Sapl - The Sass Boilerplate is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites








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