This repository demonstrates a customizable cache-aware mipmap generation algorithm using compute shaders. For power-of-2 textures, this outperforms the conventional blit algorithm by about 50% (For a 4096x4096 sRGBA8 texture and an RTX 3090, the blit algorithm took 161 microseconds vs 114 microseconds for the compute shader).
The most important component of this repository is the
library, whose directory can be copied out and used
independent of this repository. This provides a GLSL compute shader
template that only provides a "schedule" for mipmap generation, and
stub C++ code for dispatching the shader. The user completes the
shader by defining macros for loading, reducing, and storing samples,
adapting the shader to their own aplication's needs. There are no
dependencies besides standard C++ and Vulkan (in particular, it does
not depend on the nvpro_core
framework, which the sample application
depends on).
Additionally, the repository contains a minimalist nvpro_pyramid
usage sample (minimal_app
) along with a full sample application
) that demonstrates some practical applications for fast
runtime mipmap generation and provides benchmarking functionality.
A common method to generate mipmaps is to perform level-by-level blits with bilinear filters. (i.e. blitting from level 0 to level 1, inserting a barrier, blitting from level 1 to level 2, barrier, and so on until the last mip level).
While simple to understand and implement, this method has some objective weaknesses:
The barriers introduce stalls into the queue for each blit: there is some overhead waiting for one blit to drain fully before starting the next.
For realistic image sizes, the large low-numbered levels (where the bulk of work occurs) won't fit in cache. The samples written to level
are very likely to be evicted from cache before being read by the next blit (to levelN+1
Additional potential drawbacks (depending on use case) include:
Blits cannot run on compute-only queues.
Blits can only use a small number of built-in reduction functions (e.g. bilinear filtering). This is especially problematic for non-power-of-2 textures, which ideally (from an aesthetic standpoint) should use a 3-by-3 kernel.
The nvpro_pyramid
library is concerned only with determining the
schedule for mipmap generation and leaves everything else up to the
user whenever possible. You can copy its directory out of this
repository and use it in your own project. The library can be
generalized to support general "image pyramid" algorithms, as long as
the reduction kernel is mipmap-like in that
It can be separated into horizontal and vertical passes.
The kernel size is 2x2 for even input images and 3x3 for odd.
Vulkan 1.1+ and GLSL 4.50+ with
support, no other mandatory extensions. However, subgroup shuffle support is needed for optimal performance. -
User defined macros for loading, reducing, and storing samples. In particular the user has total freedom in picking the image representation, sample type, and descriptor set layout.
User must reserve 32 bits out of their push constant for the shader to use.
No external dependencies; self-contained in
directory. -
No image size or divisibility requirements (barring
overflow). -
Example shader included for sRGBA8 mipmap generation.
Non-power-of-2 support, using an energy conserving 3x3 kernel; however, note that this has a performance cost.
Optional macros for performance tuning (e.g. using hardware bilinear filtering to replace shader code).
Readable, commented GLSL code. You are invited to read the source code and adapt the demonstrated techniques for other purposes.
Open source (see bottom for license).
: template shader; this file contains documentation on how to integrate the shader into your application. -
: Contains thenvproCmdPyramidDispatch
C++ function that records suitable dispatch commands for the compute shader. -
: Example macro definitions for configuring the shader for sRGBA8 mipmap generation. -
: example complete compute shaders for sRGBA8 mipmap generation.
(This is only needed for the full sample; the library shader does not depend on any helper or build system).
Clone next to this
repository (or pull latest master
if you already have it). If there
are missing dependencies (e.g. glfw), run git submodule update --init --recursive --checkout --force
in the nvpro_core
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. # Or use CMake GUI
Then start the generated .sln
in VS or run make -j
In the ideal power-of-2 case, observe that it's very easy to use
outputs immediately after they are generated, rather than storing them
to main memory and reloading them much later. For example, a 16x16
tile of the base mip level generates an 8x8 tile in level 1, which
itself can be used to generate a 4x4 tile in level 2, and so on. This
fact is used by the "fast pipeline" distributed with nvpro_pyramid
which parallelizes each tile across many GPU threads. To communicate
results between threads, the fast pipeline mostly uses
which allow threads in the same subgroup (warp) to peek at each
others' registers with minimal or no synchronization overhead.
Non-power-of-2 textures do not tile as cleanly, but the same principles are still applied, with some complications, in the "general pipeline", used whenever the fast pipeline is not applicable. In this case, threads communicate using shared memory.
This table provides RTX 3090 benchmark results, in nanoseconds, for sRGBA8 mipmap generation on images of various sizes, to give an idea of the speed of the library.
: using thenvpro_pyramid
shader library -
: using one blit and one barrier for each level generated -
: using one compute dispatch and one barrier for each level generated
* key: nanosecond runtime (runtime relative to blit)*
* *
*| image size | nvpro_pyramid | blit | onelevel |*
*| 1920,1080 | 36736 ( 80.6%)| 45568 (100.0%)| 46080 (101.1%)|*
*| | 37632 ( 80.8%)| 46592 (100.0%)| 46848 (100.5%)|*
*| 2560,1440 | 43008 ( 72.3%)| 59520 (100.0%)| 60672 (101.9%)|*
*| | 43648 ( 72.1%)| 60544 (100.0%)| 61440 (101.5%)|*
*| 3840,2160 | 75520 ( 80.3%)| 94080 (100.0%)| 96000 (102.0%)|*
*| | 76288 ( 80.0%)| 95360 (100.0%)| 96768 (101.5%)|*
*| 2048,2048 | 35712 ( 57.2%)| 62464 (100.0%)| 62748 (100.5%)|*
*| | 36480 ( 57.3%)| 63616 (100.0%)| 63488 ( 99.8%)|*
*| 4096,4096 | 112000 ( 70.1%)| 159744 (100.0%)| 159232 ( 99.7%)|*
*| | 113024 ( 70.2%)| 161024 (100.0%)| 160128 ( 99.4%)|*
The minimal_app
directory holds a sample that loads an image from
disk and generates and outputs mipmaps for it. Note that the vast
majority of time is spent on I/O (the speed of the nvpro_pyramid
library is intended more for real-time applications).
The purpose of this sample is just to provide simple example code
for nvpro_pyramid
library usage, which may help you if integrating
the library into your application is your goal.
To run, select and run vk_compute_mipmaps_minimal
in the solution
explorer or manually execute
See demo_app
The demo application
Demonstrates the speed of the
shader by using it to generate mipmaps for a huge dynamically-generated texture every frame. -
Provides a tool for benchmarking the
shader, blits, and alternative shaders rejected during development (or developed by the user!), and testing their output's correctness. -
Allows for choosing between these alternative mipmap generators at runtime and immediately seeing their effects.
To run, select and run vk_compute_mipmaps_demo
in the solution
explorer or manually execute
The sample dynamically generates a huge texture based on a quadratic polynomial Julia Set with varying constant coefficient, and generates mipmaps for it dynamically, before using it to texture the screen (in 2D camera mode) or the ground (in 3D camera mode). This is meant as a stand-in for any sort of dynamically-generated texture a production application might create, e.g. a reflection map, that may have to be sampled at multiple levels-of-detail.
The benchmarking utility compares the performance and correctness of
the default nvpro_core
shader, blits, and alternative shaders, using
a variety of test images. This, along with the "mipmap algorithm"
menu, can be used to
The Benchmark results are written in JSON format. When the sample is run in
Visual Sample, the benchmark results seem to be written to build/demo_app
(assuming the CMake build directory is named build
as suggested).
There are some test images in the test_images
directory. Many test
pathological cases, e.g. 4095.jpg
tests the "worst-case"
one-less-than-a-power-of-2 case with high-frequency information.
These images are either photographed or computer generated by me,
and have the same license as the code sample. 4096.jpg
and similar
images are based on a chaotic quadratic polynomial found by my college
roommate, Marlon Trifunovic.
Thank you to Pascal Gautron, Christoph Kubisch, and Martin-Karl
Lefrançois for review; Christoph also provided the outline for the
shader and optimization suggestions.
Copyright 2021 NVIDIA CORPORATION. Released under Apache License, Version 2.0. See "LICENSE" file for details.