Final Project - MATH 3808 W21
- Download the latest version of python (if not installed)
- Install the dependencies by entering the following into the terminal:
pip install pydealer
pip install yaspin
- Start the simulation by entering the following into the terminal:
- Eren Sulutas - 101101873
- Nabeel Warsalee - 101103167
- Cailyn Edwards - 100956026
- Jingyi Wang - 101082676
- Zhicheng Gao
April 23rd 2021 at 14:00
This project is focused on computing the House Edge for the casino game Blackjack while using the basic strategy.
Our method for computing the House Edge will be to create a Montecarlo experiment in which we run multiple trials of a Blackjack game having the player utilize the basic strategy. From these multiple trials, we extract the win/lose probabilities for both Dealer and Player and from that are able to compute the House Edge.
- Single deck
- Dealer stands on any 17 (including soft 17)
- No hole card: dealer does not draw nor consult their second card until after the player's final decision
- Split up to four hands
- Double down on any two initial cards, except for split Aces
- Split Aces may not hit (stand after drawing second card)
- No Blackjack after receiving a 10-value card after splitting Aces
- You can only double/split on the first move, or the first move of a hand created by a split
- Surrender not permitted