My first attempt at making a personal website for myself. Using it as a learning opportunity and to make a portfolio of my work.
Visit website here:
- CSS (Sassy CSS)
- Javascript
Make website using github pagesAdd the basic HTML code (index....)Add more pages and link them between each otherAdd main.css to start adding styleFigure out how the basics of css stylingAdded images to the website (added some effects to them too)Start complete redesignBuild markup structureGet Sassy CSS and build my variables for SCSSDo the Main title of websiteDo About Me sectionGet photo to have shadow and about me title to hover over it nicelyDo portfolio sectionCreate the hover description boxes that come over the photoAdd the actual pictures of the projectsDo the footer/reach me sectionRedesigned website using scssChanged navigation bar to slide out vertically (ie. its a horizontal bar)Fill out About Me section and add boxes for hobbiesAdd "known language" sub section as part of the portfolio sectionFIX RGB REACH ME BUTTONSChange footer for "Reach Me" into an actual sectionMake Reach me icons fade red nicely- Make email address show without hover??
- Make navigation menu transition nicely
- Add a section for my resume that allows client to download/view it
- Fix the navigation bar on mobile and the font size of portfolio on mobile
- Proofread site
- Clean /images folder
- Make favicon work on more browsers
- Fix font sizing on "Projects" session for mobile