Added the ability to show details of any mining device by double-clicking it
The details of individual workers using the Stratum Proxy can now be displayed
Display the difficulty of for each pool
Display the time of the last share for a pool
Optionally prevent multiple instances of MultiMiner from being launched
Improved support for displaying information for coins with extremely low value (e.g. DogeCoin)
Can now right-click entries in the Process Log to launch bfgminer with the same arguments
Make more conservative use of the chosen Coin API (CoinChoose or CoinWarz)
Additional donation pools added
Pool quotas are no longer used when perks are disabled
Fixed occasionally flickering columns
Fixed wrong pool information being displayed under rare circumstances
Give mining process more time to quit before terminating
Executable name is no longer displayed in the Process Log
Debug zip files are no longer distributed with releases
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