Added support for mining Keccak coins such as Maxcoin
Display hashrate totals for all supported algorithms separately (previously grouped under Scrypt)
Utilize direct downloads for OS X backend miners from (previously Windows-only)
Show disabled Coin Configurations with a visually distinct font
Organize the Quick Switch menu by algorithm when it exceeds 10 coins
Group the Add Coin dialog by algorithm when creating a Coin Configuration
Refresh network difficulty for coins every 15 minutes (rather than current 1 hour)
Added a Sticky flag to entries in the NetworkDevicesConfiguration.xml file
Show all backend miner versions in the About dialog (previously only BFGMiner)
Report both Keccak and Groestl to MobileMiner as SHA
Fixed MultiMiner not reflecting pool changes for Network Devices when the pool list itself changes
Fixed MultiMiner always all configured Network Devices with only those auto discovered
Additional handling for network issues when checking for miner updates
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