Releases: nwoolls/MultiMiner
Releases · nwoolls/MultiMiner
- Official support for BF1 devices (Blue / Red Fury)
- Official support for BFL devices using cgminer (previously only bfgminer officially supported)
- Will not prompt to upgrade to bfgminer 3.7 (3.7 will be a breaking change)
- Fixed deviceIndex errors when mining begins on startup and a device is no longer present
- Don't attempt to pass --intensity arguments to cgminer 3.8+
- The option to Disable GPU mining was not working in bfgminer 3.3+
- Specify the --no-adl argument when enumerating devices
- Fixed errors checking for cgminer updates (due to their new 3.6.6-1 versioning pattern)
- Handle argument exceptions checking for cgminer and bfgminer updates by showing a notification
- Make checking for cgminer and bfgminer updates optional
- Make bfgminer the default mining engine for new users
- When upgrading a mining engine, don't stop mining if that engine isn't being used
- Fixed the wrong number of accepted shares reported in the History window when using both ASICs and GPUs along with bfgminer 3.3.0
- Fixed no entry being logged in the History window when a process is restarted for being sick/dead/frozen/etc.
- Fixed the wrong device numbers being displayed on the History window when using both ASICs and GPUs along with bfgminer 3.3.0
- Fixed a "Sequence contains more than one matching element" error refreshing devices after hot-plugging hardware
- Added support for specifying a stratum port (in addition to the existing getwork port) for the built in Stratum Proxy (under advanced miner settings)
- The machine name is now sent with notifications pushed out to MobileMiner
- Block found notifications are now optional (enabled in the Coins dialog)
- Added the option to be notified when shares are accepted (enabled in the Coins dialog)