Releases: nwoolls/MultiMiner
Releases · nwoolls/MultiMiner
- Improved support for inconsistent CoinChoose API results
- Coin suggestions had stopped showing after a recent CoinChoose API change
- Coins were being suggested that were already configured for mining
- Indicate which strategy settings are optional for getting started
- Bring back the Save & Cancel buttons when strategies are enabled
- Improved handling for killing miner processes
- Automatically remove the ButterflyCoin entry that got duplicated by CoinChoose
- Indicate when a process restart is due to a frozen miner
- Handle pool authentication failures with an unobtrusive notification rather than a dialog, allowing mining to continue
- Handle miner output indicating that no servers could be used with an appropriate obtrusive dialog
- Additional handling for COM errors managing Windows shortcuts
- Added the ability to import and export coin and pool configurations
- Added options for data logging including whether to roll over and how many sets to keep
- Improved support for inconsistent RPC API results
- Improved the dialog / experience when bfgminer or cgminer fail to launch
- Improved the UI / feedback for the countdown to mine on startup
- Fixed issue where the Start button does not become enabled
- Fixed error mining on startup, while mining the most profitable coins, after adding a new device
- Updating to the latest version of MultiMiner from within the program will now download the debug release if you are already running a debug release
- Data from the API Monitor and Process Log is now captured as JSON within the %appdata%\MultiMiner folder
- Log files in %appdata%\MultiMiner now roll over after 1MB and store only a single old copy
- Automatically suggest coins the user should be mining based on strategy settings
- Option to automatically toggle Desktop Mode depending on computer use
- Ability to add coins that are not found on
- Accepted shares are now tracked in the History window and JSON
- Improved support for inconsistent RPC API results
- Handle error if user specifies 0s delay for mining on startup
- Hide Save / Cancel buttons when automatic mining strategies are enabled
- You can now base mining strategies on Difficulty or Price (in addition to the previous Profitability support)
- You can now base mining strategies on either the current value of Bitcoin or Litecoin
- The total number of devices detected by the underlying mining engine is now displayed in the status bar
- Improved support for 70+ devices per machine
- Improved support for inconsistent RPC API results
- Enable the Quick Switch menu with 1 coin configured (for initially setting up a machine with many devices)
- Enforce specifying a pool username in the Configure Coins dialog
- Fixed wrong coin stats being displayed (visual issue only)
- Fixed errant MobileMiner credentials dialog
- Added an About dialog that displays MultiMiner, cgminer, and bfgminer versions and MultiMiner licensing
- A dialog is now used (instead of a menu) when adding a coin configuration, improving compatibility with *nix and OS X
- Small adjustments to the colors and layouts used throughout the app (for consistency)
- Fixed a couple of small UI issues (alignment & anchoring)
- Added the ability to specify the starting API port used by the miner processes that MultiMiner spawns
- Added the ability to specify additional white-listed IP addresses for the cgminer/bfgminer RPC API
- OS X will now automatically download miners selected after startup
- Automatic updates for MultiMiner are now enabled and supported for OS X
- Config files will now be detected and renamed (after prompting) on *nix and OS X (previously only on Windows)
- Fixed automatic bfgminer and cgminer updates being extracted to the wrong folder