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Piping Server as Onion Service

Piping on Tor

Run server

Here is how to run Piping Server as Onion Service.

# Go to this repo
cd <this repo>
# Create SSL certs for docker volume sharing
# Run the server
docker-compose up

Data Persistence

All data for persistence are under ./docker_volumes.

Check host name

You can check server's host name by

cat docker_volumes/tor_hidden_service/hostname

Access to the server

You can send a file by like the following.

torsocks curl -T ./mytext.txt http://4ffuycuycuv72tws.onion/mypath1

Or you can access to the page like the following on Tor Browser.


(NOTE: You should replace hostname with yours)

HTTPS access

HTTPS is also available in this docker-compose.

You should add -k or --insecure to curl option.

torsocks curl -k -T ./mytext.txt https://4ffuycuycuv72tws.onion/mypath1