fwatcher is a simple utility to monitor file changes and run some commands on those events.
curl -L0 https://github.com/nxtcoder17/fwatcher/releases/latest/download/fwatcher-linux-amd64 > ./fwatcher
curl -L0 https://github.com/nxtcoder17/fwatcher/releases/latest/download/fwatcher-linux-arm64 > ./fwatcher
curl -L0 https://github.com/nxtcoder17/fwatcher/releases/latest/download/fwatcher-darwin-amd64 > ./fwatcher
curl -L0 https://github.com/nxtcoder17/fwatcher/releases/latest/download/fwatcher-darwin-arm64 > ./fwatcher
fwatcher-dev - simple tool to run commands on filesystem change events
fwatcher-dev [global options] <Command To Run>
--debug (default: false)
--command value, -c value [command to run] (default: "echo hi")
--watch value, -w value [ --watch value, -w value ] [dir] (to watch) | -[dir] (to ignore) (default: ".")
--ext value, -e value [ --ext value, -e value ] [ext] (to watch) | -[ext] (to ignore)
--ignore-list value, -I value [ --ignore-list value, -I value ] disables ignoring from default ignore list (default: ".git", ".svn", ".hg", ".idea", ".vscode", ".direnv", "node_modules", ".DS_Store", ".log")
--cooldown value cooldown duration (default: "100ms")
--interactive interactive mode, with stdin (default: false)
--sse run watcher in sse mode (default: false)
--sse-addr value run watcher in sse mode (default: ":12345")
--help, -h show help