Blender objects/characters that i created. You can use it anywhere including commercial work, except selling / distributing as a asset. (Example: Like Uploading in unity store.) Blender + fbx file created by me. You can't upload as a asset to any store. (Unity Store, Unreal Engine Store, CSP store etc. You get the idea.) Because i am doing that. Other than that you can pretty much do anything with it. You can use it in commercial or private work, print in 3d and sell as accessory online without notifying me.
Personal note: Use Viewport Shading --> Options --> Backface Culling in every blender file at start. So you can avoid spending your time by pulling out your hair wondering what went wrong.
Recalculate Outside Normals: Tab (Edit Mode) -> Hold "A" Move mouse up to select all -> Shift+N
Recalculate Inside Normals: Tab (Edit Mode) -> Hold "A" Move mouse up to select all -> Ctrl+Shift+N
If nothing worked
Flip: Tab (Edit Mode) -> Hold "A" Move mouse up to select all -> Mesh -> Normals -> Flip
(While fliping faces you can also select only problematic area that looks wrong.)
September 16
Hold "A" Move mouse up to select all -> Paste Code to Scripting Tab -> Run The Code
import bpy
if bpy.context.selected_objects != []:
for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects: #loop through all the selected objects
if obj.type == 'MESH': = obj
bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle() #enter edit mode
bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') #select all objects elements
bpy.ops.mesh.normals_make_consistent(inside=True) #recalc normals inside
bpy.ops.mesh.normals_make_consistent(inside=False) #recalc normals outside
bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle() #exit edit mode
patreon@nyarlko 3D Furniture Cafe Table
patreon@nyarlko Furniture Bookshelf Multicolor
Patreon4.7z.001 Patreon4.7z.003 Patreon4.7z.002