Spelling Bee is a multiplayer game in which players form words from a given set of 7 letters using a Telegram bot to submit their words.
Install python3 from offcial website.
You can install pip3 using this article.
pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
python3 -m tkinter
pip install -r requirements.txt
In config.py, replace bot_token with your bot token from @botfather. Add your Telegram ID to the admin_ids list to control the bot (it can be empty).
Then you can run the script
python main.py
To play a new game, clear the cache
python clearcache.py
OR send /reset command to the bot.
You can change bot text on data/text.json.
You can change names on data/text.json.
You can change spellings on data/text.json, the first letter of the list is central letter.
- All letters that you form must be in the list of letters.
- The word that you form must include the center letter.
- The length of the word must be at least 4.
- Letters can be used more than once.
- Points increase as the length of your word increases.