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nyris SDK for .NET, Xamarin and MAUI logo


nyris is a high performance visual product search, object detection and visual recommendations engine for retail and industry applications. For more information please visit us at

This repo provides a C# SDK to use our system, including error handling, as well as reactive and asynchronous programming support. Specifically, we provide:

  • Support for all nyris services,
  • Support of Reactive/Asynchronous programming paradigms,
  • Simplified error handling,
  • Type-safe HTTP client, and a Unified response format.

To the following nyris services:

  • Exact visual search,
  • Visual similarity search,
  • Object detection,
  • Text search.


Please see the documentation at for a complete reference. At the minimum, the following criteria must be met:

  • Images are sent in JPEG format,
  • The minimum dimensions of an image are 512x512 px, and
  • The size of an image is less than or equal to 500 KB.
  • In Xamarin.Android or MAUI you need to make sure to handle the permissions and to include these permissions in AndroidManifest.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="">
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />

Get Started

Get Started with nyris SDK

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Getting an instance

First, initialize an instance of NyrisApi with your API Key :

static class Program
    public static async Task Main(string[] args)
        var apiKey = "Your Api Key";     // specify your nyris API key
        var platform = Platform.Generic; // select your platform
        var debugMode = true;            // enable or disable debugging

        var nyris = NyrisApi.CreateInstance(apiKey, platform, debugMode);

Match your first image

Simple matching using RX

    byte[] imageByteArray = /*Your byte array*/;

    var response = await nyris.ImageMatching.MatchAsync(image);

        .Subscribe(response =>
            throwable => Console.WriteLine(throwable.Message)

Fully-configured image matching

    //For more details about available feed attributes please check our documentation :
    var imageByteArray = ...; /* Your byte array */
        .Language("de") // Return only offers with language "de".
        .Limt(10) // Limit returned offers
        .CategoryPrediction(opt =>
            opt.Enabled = true
            opt.Threshold = 0.6f
            opt.Limit = 10 //Size of the returned catgories
        }) // Get predicted categories
        .Filters(opt => // Add Filters 
            opt.AddFilter("color", new List<string> { "red", "blue" });
        .Subscribe(response =>
                //Handle your response
                var offers = response.Offers;
            throwable => ...

The response will be an object of type OfferResponseDto that contains list of Offers, RequestId

Extract objects from your image

Extract objects from an image:

        .Subscribe(response /* RegionsObjectDto */=>
            // Handle your response
            var objects = response;
        }, throwable => ...);

The returned response is a List of detected objects. Each object has:

  • Confidence; this is the probability of the top item with values ranging between: 0-1.
  • Region is a bounding box. It represents the location and the size of the object in the sent image as a fraction of the image size.

Marking a response as not successful

It may happen that our service can't recognize or match an image. This is why we provide you a service to notify us about any unsuccessful matches.

Before you mark an image as "not successful", you will need to have the RequestId. For more details please check this section.

After getting the RequestId you can mark the image as not found.

        .Subscribe(response /* HttpResponseMessage */=>
            // Handle your response...
        }, throwable => ...);

Text Match Search

nyris offers a service that helps you to search offers by text, SKU, barcode, etc. You can use the text search service the same way as the image matching service:

        .Search("Your text")
        .Subscribe(response =>
            throwable => Console.WriteLine(throwable.Message)

Get Started with nyris Xamarin Searcher

To start using image matching component, you will need to reference the project nyris.ui.Android for Android and the project nyris.ui.iOSfor iOS and include all the required dependencies with it.

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Starting the component

To start the component call:

        .Builder("Your API Key Here", ActivityOrPresenterController)

Setting image matching options

For more details about image matching options please check this section.

        .Builder("Your API Key Here", ActivityOrPresenterController)
        .Filters(opt => // Add Filters 
            opt.AddFilter("color", new List<string> { "red", "blue" });

Handling returned results

For Android

        .Builder("Your API Key Here", ActivityOrPresenterController)
        .CategoryPrediction(opt => 
            opt.Enabled = true
            opt.Threshold = 0.6f
            opt.Limit = 10 //Size of the returned catgories
        }) // Get predicted categories
        .Filters(opt => // Add Filters 
            opt.AddFilter("color", new List<string> { "red", "blue" });
        .Start(result => // Handling your result
            if (result == null)
                _tvResult.Text =
                    "the searcher is canceled or an exception is raised which forces the result to be null";
                _tvResult.Text = $"Image Path = offerResponse.TakenImagePath \n" +
                                 $"Found ({result.Offers.Count}) offers, with request id: {result.RequestCode})";

For iOS

The iOS version uses events to notify you about search result, first subscribe to OfferAvailable

	searchService = NyrisSearcher,Builder("Your API Key Here", presenterController);

	searchService.OfferAvailable += SearchServiceOnOfferAvailable;

Whenever an search is performed SearchServiceOnOfferAvailable will be called:

void SearchServiceOnOfferAvailable(object sender, OfferResponseEventArgs e)
    var offers = e.OfferResponse;
    var json = e.OfferJson;

Only one response type is available in OfferResponseEventArgs at a time. You can access the screenshot and the cropping frame by using :

void SearchServiceOnOfferAvailable(object sender, OfferResponseEventArgs e)
    var screenshot = e.Screenshot;
    var croppingFrame = e.Screenshot;

Customizing the text of the component

You can change text of the component by using:

    // You need to handle Camera and storage permissions before opening the nyris searcher
        .Builder("Your API Key Here", ActivityOrPresenterController)
        .AgreeButtonTitle("My OK")
        .CancelButtonTitle("My Cancel")
        .CameraPermissionDeniedErrorMessage("You can not use this componenet until you activate the camera permission!")
        .ExternalStoragePermissionDeniedErrorMessage("You can not use this componenet until you activate the access to external storage permission!")
        .CameraPermissionRequestIfDeniedMessage("Your message when camera permission is denied") // For iOS only
        .ConfigurationFailedErrorMessage("Your message when configuration is failed") // For iOS only
        .CaptureLabelText("My Capture label.")
        .DialogErrorTitle("Error Title")
        .BackLabelText("Your back label") // For iOS only
        .CategoryPrediction(opt => 
            opt.Enabled = true
            opt.Threshold = 0.6f
            opt.Limit = 10 //Size of the returned catgories
        }) // Get predicted categories

See NyrisSearcherConfig.cs for full list of configuration.

Customizing the color of the component

For Android

To customize the color of the component you will need to override the defined colors:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- You can override nyris searcher color here -->
    <color name="nyris_color_primary">YOUR_COLOR</color>
    <color name="nyris_color_primary_dark">YOUR_COLOR</color>
    <color name="nyris_color_accent">YOUR_COLOR</color>
    .Theme(new AndroidThemeConfig
        PrimaryColor = Color.Aqua,
        PrimaryDarkColor = Color.DarkBlue,
        AccentColor = Color.Salmon

For iOS

To customize the color or image of different views of the Searcher controller, create an instance of AppearanceConfiguration and assign it to the builder as follow:

    var theme = new AppearanceConfiguration
        CaptureLabelColor = UIColor.Red,
        CropButtonTint = UIColor.Yellow,
        BackButtonTint = UIColor.Red,
        CaptureButtonTint = UIColor.Green,
        CaptureButtonImage = UIImage,
        CropButtonImage = UIImage,
        FlashLightOffButtonImage = UIImage,
        FlashLightOnButtonImage = UIImage,

    searchService = NyrisSearcher
        .Builder("Your API Key Here", this)

Load last session state

To load last session state of the NyrisSearcher you will need :

        .Builder("Your API Key Here", ActivityOrPresenterController)

In case of an unknown error or un saved state the parameter will fallback to default mode.

Get Started with nyris MAUI Searcher

Not different from Xamarin.Android SDK or Xamarin.iOS SDK, you can start using the nyris MAUI searcher by following this:

        .Builder("Your API Key Here", ActivityOrPresenterController)
        .AgreeButtonTitle("My OK")
        .CancelButtonTitle("My Cancel")
        .CameraPermissionDeniedErrorMessage("You can not use this componenet until you activate the camera permission!")
        .ExternalStoragePermissionDeniedErrorMessage("You can not use this componenet until you activate the access to external storage permission!")
        .CameraPermissionRequestIfDeniedMessage("Your message when camera permission is denied") // For iOS only
        .ConfigurationFailedErrorMessage("Your message when configuration is failed") // For iOS only
        .CaptureLabelText("My Capture label.")
        .DialogErrorTitle("Error Title")
        .BackLabelText("Your back label") // For iOS only
        .CategoryPrediction(opt =>
            opt.Enabled = true
            opt.Threshold = 0.6f
            opt.Limit = 10 //Size of the returned catgories
        }) // Get predicted categories
        .Start(result => // Handling your result
            if (result == null)
                // the searcher is canceled or an exception is raised which forces the result to be null
                // Your result

You can use the Theme method and the ThemeConfig object to change the tinting/color of the UI:

  • PrimaryTintColor: For searcher UI elements tinting/coloring in light mode.
  • PrimaryDarkTintColor: For searcher UI elements tinting/coloring in light mode (unsupported in iOS).
  • AccentTintColor: For system UI elements (back button, status etc)

Here is an code example:

        .Builder("Your API Key Here", ActivityOrPresenterController)
        .Theme(themeConfig =>
            themeConfig.PrimaryTintColor = Colors.Red;
        .Start( ... )

If you want to change the capture and crop icon in the camera/crop view in iOS, please add an image to Resources/Images with the following name:

  • nyris_custom_capture_icon.png
  • nyris_custom_crop_icon.png.png


See the LICENSE file for the software license.


nyris SDK for .NET, Xamarin and MAUI







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