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Backend service of Plutus, a monetary management system from Nyxordinal


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Plutus BE


Backend service of Plutus, a monetary management system from Nyxordinal

Development Tools

Set Up

  1. Clone this repo and change directory to project folder
    git clone && cd /plutus-be
  2. Install dependencies
    composer install
  3. Copy .env.example to .env
    cp .env.example .env
  4. Generate aplication key
    php artisan key:generate
  5. Generate JWT secret key
    php artisan jwt:secret
  6. Set your database credential in .env on key DB\_\*
  7. Generate a pair of public and private RSA key with pkcs1 padding
  8. Place your private RSA key in .env on key RSA_PRIVATE_KEY. If you want to make it as a one-line, make sure to use single quote
  9. Save your previously generated public RSA key and use it in plutus-fe
  10. If you are in production, do not forget to set APP_ENV in .env to "production" and set APP_DEBUG to "false"

Run Dev Server

  1. Open terminal in your project folder
  2. Use below command in the terminal php artisan serve
  3. Access development server in http://localhost:8000

Deployment Database Setup

  1. Create plutus_be database in your RDMBS
  2. Run migration
    php artisan migrate


A. Publish Development Changes

  1. Do your changes
  2. Build plutus-be docker image
    docker build \
    --build-arg NEW_RELIC_AGENT_VERSION=<new_relic_version> \
    --build-arg NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=<license_key> \
    --build-arg NEW_RELIC_APPNAME=<app_name> \
    -t nyxordinal/plutus-be:{tag} .
  3. Push docker image to nyxordinal registry
    docker push nyxordinal/plutus-be:{tag}

B. Deploy Docker Image (Production Server)

  1. Pull plutus-be docker image
    docker pull nyxordinal/plutus-be:{tag}
  2. Create and start plutus-be container
docker run -d -p {host-port}:8001 --name plutus-be \
    --env APP_NAME=plutus-be \
    --env APP_ENV=production \
    --env APP_DEBUG=false \
    --env APP_URL=http://localhost:8001 \
    --env APP_TIMEZONE=UTC \
    --env DB_CONNECTION=mysql \
    --env DB_HOST={your-docker-host-ip} \
    --env DB_PORT=3306 \
    --env DB_DATABASE=plutus_be \
    --env DB_USERNAME={your-db-username} \
    --env DB_PASSWORD={your-db-password} \
    --env REDIS_HOST={your-redis-host} \
    --env REDIS_PASSWORD={your-redis-password} \
    --env JWT_SECRET={your-jwt-secret} \
    --env JWT_TTL={your-jwt-ttl} \
    --env RSA_PRIVATE_KEY={your-private-rsa-key} \
    --env MAIL_MAILER=smtp \
    --env \
    --env MAIL_PORT=2525 \
    --env MAIL_USERNAME={your-mail-username} \
    --env MAIL_PASSWORD={your-mail-password} \
    --env MAIL_ENCRYPTION=tls \
    --env \
    --env MAIL_FROM_NAME="Plutus Nyxordinal" \
  1. Access plutus-be in http://localhost:{host-port}/api

NOTE: How to check your docker host IP, find out in this link
Or you can add --net="host" in docker run command and then for DB_HOST you can use "localhost".
If you use --net="host" in docker run command, -p {host-port}:8001 must be removed from docker run command


After doing your changes, you might want to run tlint command to run the linter

Developer Team

Developed with passion by Nyxordinal


Backend service of Plutus, a monetary management system from Nyxordinal







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