Welcome to the Social Media API
The API allows users to create profiles, follow other users, create and view posts, manage likes and comments, and perform basic social media actions.
- Authentication: Users undergo secure registration and login processes, receiving JWTs for authenticated access.
- User Profile Management: Users can create and update their profiles, incorporating details such as profile pictures, bios, and other relevant information.
- Follow/Unfollow System: Establish connections by following and unfollowing other users. Track the list of followers and those being followed.
- Post Creation and Retrieval: Users can craft text-based posts and optionally attach images. Retrieve personal posts and those from followed users.
- Likes and Comments: Users have the option to like and unlike posts, view their liked posts, and engage with comments on posts.
- Scheduled Post Creation: Schedule post creation using Celery, allowing users to select the time for post publication.
- API Permissions: Strictly enforce permissions, ensuring that only authenticated users can create posts, like content, and follow/unfollow users. Users retain control over their own posts, comments, and profiles.
- API Documentation: Thorough documentation, available through the Swagger UI, provides clear instructions on each endpoint. Sample API requests and responses are included.
- Ensure you have
Python 3
installed. - Install
and create db. - Clone repository to your local machine and change working directory:
git clone https://github.com/o-davydova/Social-Media-API
cd Social-Media-API
Create venv & Activate it:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/Scripts/activate
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create new Postgres DB & User
Set required data:
set DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=<your secret key>
set DJANGO_DEBUG=<your debug value>
set DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS=<your allowed hosts>
set POSTGRES_ENGINE=<your Postgres engine>
set POSTGRES_HOST=<your Postgres host>
set POSTGRES_DB=<your Postgres database>
set POSTGRES_USER=<your Postgres user>
set POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<your Postgres password>
set CELERY_BROKER=<your Celery broker URL>
set CELERY_BACKEND=<your Celery result backend>
- Run migrations:
python manage.py migrate
- Run Redis Server:
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis
- Run Celery worker for task handling:
celery -A social_media worker -l INFO
- Run app:
python manage.py runserver
should be installed.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
- create a user via /api/user/register
- get access token via /api/user/token