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Flying-Toast edited this page Oct 29, 2018 · 3 revisions

Minimal example

Let's start with the classic example (see hello):

import std.stdio;

import harud;
import harud.c; // for getErrorDescription

void main() {
   void  errorCallback(uint error_number, uint detail_number) {
      writefln("err %x, %s, (num %x)"
            , error_number
            , getErrorDescription(error_number), 
   Doc pdf = new Doc(&errorCallback);

   Page page = pdf.addPage(); /// Add a new page to the document

   Font helvetica = pdf.getFont("Helvetica");    
   page.setFontAndSize(helvetica, 60);   /// Set the current font and size for the page

   page.beginText(); /// Begin text mode
   page.showText("Hello World"); /// Print text to the page
   page.endText(); /// End text mode

   pdf.saveToFile("./hello.pdf"); /// Write to disk

Import harud module

import harud;
import harud.c; // for getErrorDescription

Initialize document object

It creates a new document object and set a user-defined error function ("errorCallback" here):

Doc pdf = new Doc(&errorCallback);

When somethings go wrong errorCallback function it's called.

Set document object attributes

We can also set compression, encryption, page mode, and password if necessary.

// set compression mode
pdf.compressionMode = CompressionMode.all;
// set page mode to use outlines.
pdf.pageMode = PageMode.useOutline;
// set password 
pdf.setPassword("owner", "user");

Add new page

Call method addPage() to add a page to the document. The Page object returned is used in later operations on the page.

Page page = pdf.addPage(); 

To insert a new page before an existing page, call insertPage(). For example, to insert "page0" before "page1":

Page page0 = pdf.insertPage(page);

Set page attributes

If necessary set other attributes of the page object:

page.setSize(PageSize.B5, PageDirection.landscape);

Place text on page

Before inserting text, you must set the correct graphic mode

page.beginText(); /// Begin text mode
page.showText("Hello World"); /// Print text to the page
page.endText(); /// End text mode

Save document to file or memory stream

saveToFile() saves a document to a file.


Handling exception

In a more D-way we can use a try-catch block to handle exceptions:

import std.stdio;
import harud;

void main() {
   Doc pdf = new Doc();
   Page page0 = pdf.addPage(); /// Add a new page to the document
   try {
      page0.width = 1; // <- ERROR: page width cannot be 1!
   } catch(HarudException e) {
      writeln("exp:", e.msg, " num:", e.errCode);  

When somethings go wrong an HarudException was thown and it will print:

exp:Page invalid size num:4180