Just a alfred toolkit, can be used to create alfred plugin quikcly.
func entry() {
cli := alfred.NewApp("new doc search plugin")
cli.Bind("query", func(s []string) {
env, err := alfred.GetFlowEnv()
if err != nil {
alfred.ErrItems("alfred get envs failed", err).Show()
cli := doc.NewLark().CustomSession(env.GetAsString("session", "")).WithPage(0, env.GetAsInt("count", 9))
params := strings.Join(s, " ")
entities, err := cli.Query(params)
if err != nil {
alfred.ErrItems("query lark failed", err)
msg := alfred.NewItems()
for _, entity := range entities {
item := alfred.NewItem(title(entity), intro(entity), entity.Url)
item.Extra = entity.ViewTS
msg.Order(func(l, r *alfred.Item) bool {
return l.Extra.(uint32) > r.Extra.(uint32)
if err := cli.Run(os.Args); err != nil {
alfred.ErrItems("alfred run failed", err).Show()
More you can get from https://github.com/o98k-ok/awesome-alfred-workflow
A simple cache interface, just imp file cache.
Often you need format json, so this package would help you.
- format with spec char;
- format with custom color;
Some mac interface, you can read/write plist easily.
A simple pack for iris, you can do following via it:
- Custom your core handler
- Custom any compenents of route
- Provide a simple version for generate api doc
type Level1 struct {
Age *string `schema:"age" fake:"{word}"`
type Level2 struct {
Name string `json:"name" fake:"{firstname}"`
Level *Level1 `json:"level"`
var l1 Level1
var l2 Level2
elems := Elems{
Method: "GET",
URI: "/api/v1/users",
Req: l1,
Resp: l2,
will get result:
## 1. 接口简介
| 类型 | 信息 | 备注 |
| URI | /api/v1/users | |
| METHOD | GET | |
## 2. 参数信息
请求数据类型为: Level1
| 字段名称 | 字段类型 | 字段含义 | 是否必要 | 备注 |
| age | string | | NO | |
## 3. 返回信息
返回数据类型为: Level2
| 字段名称 | 字段类型 | 字段含义 | 备注 |
| name | string | | |
| level | Level1 | | |
## 4. 请求示例
GET /api/v1/users?age=what
"name": "Maryse",
"level": {
"Age": "should"